UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Do we think that they might post decisions on Friday? Or no because it is New Year’s Day?

@hopingtobabadger As I stated earlier, nobody here has any insider information or real idea as to when decisions will be released. From recent years, this year has been irregular, and I would suggest assuming you will not receive a decision until January 31; thus, any earlier would just be an added bonus. Best of luck!

@hopingtobabadger you could try tweeting UW Admissions as some people did earlier in December. Once they responded to a tweet telling the person to wait a “liiiiiitle bit longer.” Exactly six days (number of i’s) went by with nothing and on the seventh day decisions were announced. Coincidence? Maybe. But endless questions to us aren’t going to provide the answer you are looking for and UW Admissions may throw out a hint.

I know no one knows for sure but do we think this week could be a possibility

@abergirl10 at this point I think we can say that any week could be a possibility since they have until January 31 to release all decisions. My guidance counselor at my school tried calling them and they were super vague and didn’t give her a definitive answer as to when they will be sent out.

anyone heard back yet this week? I just want to know!!

@lalabeach22 I’m sure people who plan on posting here at any point, will post as soon as they hear. Chances are nobody has heard anything this week. My suggestion has been assume you won’t hear back until January 31, and any earlier is just an added bonus. Best of luck!

I could not agree more with the post by @CollegeMan91 . Exactly how I feel. I will also add that some of those “decisions” received at the end of the month will actually be notifications that their decision has been postponed. Meaning that they will need to wait up to an additional 2 months to get a “final” decision (this is based on posts I have seen by users on this site from last year). So, patience is key!

On pins and needles every day!! Hoping for the best for my daughter who is OOS, legacy. Let’s think positive for decisions tomorrow. I feel hopeful tomorrow is the day!! Good luck everyone!!

UW decisions today or not?

@Rahulbarcafan As previously stated, nobody here knows. Also as previously stated is my suggestion: Assume you won’t hear back until January 31, and any earlier is just an added bonus. Best of luck to you!

None of us really know, but I’ll be very surprised if they don’t at least start telling OOS applicants in the early part of this month. Since they usually release their first round of decisions in 3 waves, I think one wave soon and one at the end of Januarry makes sense. At least to me. : ) Best of luck to all…

Wisconsin is a very popular school in my area and for years people have been saying that they release decisions based on where you live…and the New York/New Jersey etc. region usually gets released in the wave with or after in state gets released. That being said, someone from Long Island allegedly got into UW Madison’s school of journalism last night. Don’t know too much about that though. Also considering that today is a Friday, I feel like we might hear back tonight.

The University of Wisconsin admissions Twitter account tweeted “#Futurebadgers, we know it’s tough to wait, but you only need to hang in there a little longer!” I’m not sure if they’re trying to tell us that a decision won’t be today or will be? I hope it’s today but I’m assuming that it won’t come out until the end the the month. :frowning:

I am a in state parent and my son did get in on the first round of acceptances sent out. That said, it appears in the past the acceptances were normally sent out on Fridays after 7pm CST. I know many of you OOS applicants are anxious and looking for good news. I hope you all receive that tonight!

When I check the Application Tracker it says ’ your application will be reviewed by one of our admissions counselors.’ I submitted the APP on October 30. Does this mean that they haven’t even had one look at my application?

@pallavijaniani. I don’t think it means they haven’t reviewed your application. It appears that they leave the same message up until they are ready to post your admissions decision.

My oldest daughter is a senior in the School of Journalism. There are no direct admissions to that school for incoming freshmen.

@Candlewoodgal Alright! Thank You

Has anyone heard?