UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

looks like only Minnesota has heard (besides international) makes sense though because tuition wise they are treated almost like in-staters

Minnesota postponed

Looks like folks posting acceptance on twitter are from Minnesota.

@thelongshotkid shout out to Raury

Yes, I agree; the people posting acceptance on twitter are from MN. Twitter is a good place to check if decisions are actually being released.

Since the only other days are Sat and Sun, will it also be 7pm CT, or do we think it could be throughout the day?

Im CA.

ayye that’s actually cool someone knew what it was @GlennRobinsonIII

NY still no word. It’s all I can think about, I am so stressed. I first thought I would hear at latest by Christmas, then I thought I’d probably hear by jan15, now I’m here 2 days before deadline pulling my hair out. My stats are middle 50% of everything too


Just got accepted from MN. 34 ACT, 3.6 uw GPA. Solid extracurricular activities. Good essays, no recommendations.

r I got accepted, I’m from Minnesota, however my entire extended family are Wisconsin and went to Madison. have a 29 act, 3.85 something UW gpa, took quite few AP’s CITS honors courses throughout HS. worked hard on essays, reasearched the campus programs i want pursue, they turned out well, also had two stellar recommendations. loads of EC’s Nordic ski captain, we one top 4 teams in Minnesota. am varsity track cross country runner. row summer multiple jobs highschool, including managing own dog waste removal business. Association, student leadership group, president German Club, Key club member. part club, Circle friends, that helps special needs kids fit school. played violin orchestra for 3 years as well. super excited been admitted, both grandfathers were professors at Madison Biochemistry building is named after grandpa… So may helped…

Just got in from MN
33 ACT
3.8 GPA
4.0 weighted GPA (if it even matters)
Pretty tough schedule
Solid EC, good essays, a couple good letters of rec

Wisco was my #1 school. Beyond pumped, go badgers

Maybe they release in waves by region? Colorado… still nothing and this anxiety is killing me

In PA, nothing yet either!

Did anyone get a deferral or a rejection? Anyone from Michigan receive a decision?

Do you think that UW will post anymore decisions tonight? I assume they are done and that we just need to check back in the morning…

foreverpuppy, unless they are sadistic, I assume no more decisions will be sent until tomorrow night…

So done. So done with how they did this

From MN … received email 2 hours ago. Admitted to College of Letters & Science with 3.9 GPA / 32 ACT and excellent extracurricular stuff and recommendations … No clue if my essay was any good … how do you know that? :-/

Makes sense we would hear first as MN is only state with reciprocity with WI.

I would assume remaining OOS will hear by 1/31 and the word is because of budget cuts WI will be looking to take as many higher paying OOS students as possible this year, so don’t give up yet.

Accepted a few hours ago
International Student (UAE)

Eh, I was expecting to hear nothing anyway. Wouldn’t be surprised if I get my decision well into february at this point.