UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

The promised this weekend, so I’m expecting this weekend!
It’s unfortunate that I grew up in both Wisconsin and Minnesota- but when I’m actually wanting to go to a UW college, I live in Illinois haha.
Just finished my scholarship application. That’s a relief.
It’s kinda weird that they’re releasing decisions on the weekend that the scholarship applications are due (well, at least the main engineering one). It would suck if someone worked really hard on their scholarship essay and ended up getting rejected.

@dualstrike98 click on “student center”. First time there is a direct link. Subsequently click on “notifications” and it should be listed. @mmwb98 my daughter had same problem awhile ago and had to call into UW office (think number is listed online)

I wonder why they would want to come in on the weekend to release them?

They must be done. What is the point of sending them out tomorrow and Sunday?

International student from Dubai
Accepted 4 hours back :smiley:
ACT- 31, IB- 35/42

Screw it, didn’t want to go here anyway.


SAT - 2320
Rank - Top 5% in one of the hardest curricula in the world.
ECs, Essay, and Rec - Awesome.

I don’t understand this decision.

Accepted! (7.12pm)

Was honestly very surprised because I’m nothing above average. I was accepted to my back-up school (UMN Twin Cities) almost immediately compared to here and was getting antsy on just accepting there so I could start planning but waiting paid off, so anyone still waiting, it will pay off!!!

ACT: 27
GPA UW: 3.742
EC’s: President Director of 1 club, a handful of others for only one year, + peer tutored one year.
No letter of rec (they couldn’t figure out how to submit it)

Side note: I’ve been attending a community college since the beginning of my junior year and am graduating with an Associate degree from there this spring (along with my diploma) and I worked 2 jobs so that may have factored into my acceptance…

I’m getting kind of irritated that they haven’t released so many decisions yet. I already got into my first choice so I guess I don’t care that much, it’s just nice to know, though.

32 ACT
3 AP classes
3.99 uw gpa
A ton of extracurriculars and a state championship

what do people think is more likely, the 30th or 31st?

At our HS they warn that admission to U of W is hard to predict. GPA & ACT by themselves many not seal the deal and what makes for good extracurricular activities, essays and so on is very subjective.

If you do have a high GPA & ACT you will land large scholarships from private colleges that will bring the net price to the same or lower level than U of W.

If you have your heart set on U of W and are postponed remember that only 41% of admitted students accept, so perhaps spots will re-open in May?


SAT: 2400
Area: Hong Kong
GPA: school does’t use that system
Extracurricular: Basketball captain, charity

Since so many are still waiting, I hate to post. The last few weeks and especially yesterday were agonizing. I was accepted yesterday (Friday) and beyond relieved and happy. From MN with decent (not great) ACT of 27 but good UW GPA and a lot of EC and strong references. Good luck to all!

A friend’s daughter was accepted to Michigan from Virginia.

@DanvilleMom This thread is for U of Wisconsin not U of Michigan

Where can the decision be found on the portal? thanks

@ajsags login to myuw with your netID and pass, then click on the student center.

would it be under communications or notifications

@ajsags neither… when you log in you click on the “Home” tab on the left, then click on the gray box on site labeled “Student Center”. Then it should take you to a page with your admission decision.

If it says that I am “offered admission College of Science and Engineering,” does that mean I am admitted into my program direct admit, or do I have to apply at the end of the year? I chose biomedical engineering.

Did anyone who was fortunate enough to find out yesterday get postponed or rejected?

Are you just talking about for UofW? Because my daughter received 2 letters from other schools that “deferred” her. They actually used that word in the letter, so it is a thing.