UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@CollegeMan91 yeah I totally understand, it’s just hard waiting, UW is my top school so I’m very anxious haha

UW has already split up the OOS decisions into 3 different days. Not only that, but the fact that NO OOS students on CC have recieved a decision pretty strongly refutes the “Site Crash” theory.

why theorize when college decisions come…just be happy when they do :slight_smile:

@Sandboxx24 Well regardless, they still have no real obligation to release decisions until tomorrow. I know this is frustrating. I too am an applicant, but that being said, is an extra 24 hours going to kill you? Probably not… Best of luck to you and everyone!

@DelRey We need more rare pepes and then maybe they will release

@Collegeman91 “it is probably partly to avoid releasing them all at the same time and having their site crash.”

They could have released them a little at a time all day today to avoid that problem.

“…it would be NICE to get a decision earlier, they are in no way or form obligated to do so”

They are not obligated to release them by tomorrow either. They can do whatever they want to. I just don’t see the benefit of continuing to delay them."

I mean, an extra 24 hours could kill me. The stress of not hearing could cause a heart attack and that could kill me.

ya’ll are getting so salty, we all want to know, and im sorry if your top school is going to keep you waiting one more day. at least you wont have to wait until march

Relax, and the decision will come eventually. Who cares WHEN it comes?

the “site crash” theory doesn’t make any sense…if they WERE trying to avoid that then they would’ve released decisions in waves over the past two months…and they wouldn’t have set it up so that literally 90% of early applicants find out on the same day (tomorrow). if a major wave of decisions doesn’t come out tonight, their website is going to be screwed tomorrow when thousands and thousands and thousands of people definitely expect a decision on the final day possible

@Sandboxx24 “The stress of not hearing could cause a heart attack”

I hope you have other applications in place, so you are not overly dependent on just this one. You never want to count on just one.

“Relax, and the decision will come eventually. Who cares WHEN it comes?”

@mkekid I doubt you’d be saying the same thing if your decision hadn’t been released over a month ago.

Are you kidding? I put my application in the first day that it could be in. Congrats, you had to wait a month more than me, I definitely didn’t go through ANY agony of waiting four months for a decision, especially since this has been my dream since I was a child!

@Much2learn Tbh, I have a higher chance of being accepted to Madison than any of my other apps.

@Sandboxx24 lol savage man

@mkekid I also put in my application the first day it could be submitted. What was your point in saying that? You think no one else cares as much as you do?

@mkekid You sound like a rich person trying to tell a poor person to be happy with what they have.

I’m not saying that AT ALL! I’m saying everyone has to do their time and wait! Stop complaining and let the admissions team work!

Accepted last night!! From MN… Very happy!

i submitted my app nov 1, so clearly when you submitted your app has no bearing on your decision. college confidential isnt really the place for fighting–we’re all trying to get into college here and i dont think we need MORE stress