UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

I never knew the college admissions process brings out the worst in people… College Confidential is very eye opening… Everyone needs to relax a little. 24 hours really isn’t the end of the world. You will be okay. If you don’t get accepted to UW-Madison, you will be okay. If you don’t get accepted to a different school, you will be okay. You will be okay!

I agree. Good luck to all.

I’m on team @mkekid

@Sandboxx24 I have been denied twice and currently awaiting a decision as well. Trust me, waiting creates a lot of anxiety and in my case, disappointment. But @mkekid is right. UW is not being unfair, and your decision will not change, whenever you receive it. Better to wait a while and be accepted than hear early on that you’re denied. I’ve been attempting to get in for over a year, and I have not expressed an attitude as remotely poor as yours towards the fellow applicants. Learn to be patient.

now is already jan 31st in China and it seems no one have heard yet. If the school wait until tomorrow night, it would be feb 1st and that would break their promise.

@DQZ1213DQZ I believe all dates and times listed refer to UW-Madison’s time zone.

@mkekid “Stop complaining and let the admissions team work!”

I really would not mind if I thought that they were working at all. I think that there is about a 0 percent chance that they are working tomorrow and still making decisions. If they are not done with that by now, then they will not be releasing all of them tomorrow either.

@Much2learn Well one thing they are doing well is getting people excited to hear their decision. Everyone now cannot wait to hear from Madison, which generates excitement for them. Besides, having to wait until January 31 most likely isn’t going to change a student’s mind on attending the university (and it shouldn’t).

Chinese Int’l student postponed
sat 2110 superscore 2200
toefl 106
gpa 3.83
Btw all Chinese student should have received their decisions by now

@CollegeMan91 Of course we will be okay. No one is saying we won’t. I would just prefer to get my admission now rather than later.

I had no problem yesterday when it was clear decisions were being released. My problem is that it’s 8 pm the day before the deadline and they are showing no signs of beginning. They could at least update the applicants with “We’re running behind” or something of that nature as a courtesy considering this is one of the biggest decisions that most of us have had in our lives.

Notice how I said courtesy. Meaning I know they aren’t required, I’m saying it’d be the nice and, in my opinion, right thing to do.

Do we know when the results of postponed student will come out? I know the answer would be “until late March” but more specifically?

@hzy0216 just like this deadline of “End of January”, I’d assume at the latest March 31.

I doubt it @hyz0216 I think it is just a part of the second notification period which works the same way as the first, so you just never know. Best of luck!

I can imagine by the late march, the school will post something like" who applied by 2/1 or postponed: We’ll release decisions all week. If you don’t hear tonight, don’t worry! You’ll hear on Wednesday(30th) or Thursday(31th)." on its twitter.

My understanding is that decisions are made by January 31st, but that it could take a few days after January 31 for the decisions to all be released.

@hyz0216 I am a chinese applicant, I havnt received any decision. There is no reason to think we are getting more results than U.S. citizens

I don’t think they’re coming out tonight if it’s 8:15 and no one has heard yet

@Sullivan There is reason. Some international students posted their decisions on this thread yesterday whereas no OOS applicants have recieved a decision with the exception of Minnesota.

@Madison85 They keep saying on twitter though that you will hear by January 31. I think that means all decisions will be released by then.

@collegeman91 “…having to wait until January 31 most likely isn’t going to change a student’s mind on attending the university (and it shouldn’t).”

Then there is no benefit to not releasing them. Do you really think the admissions team is working tomorrow to finish?