UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Have any of the decisions actually come out closer to the 10 pm mark than the 7 pm mark?

@Much2learn I honestly don’t know, and neither does anyone else outside of the admissions office… Again the part you cut out of that quote is where I explain that it may be to build up hype, because it has certainly gotten plenty of people here riled up. Who knows why? There is a plethora of possible reasons. I’m just not going to worry about it, and relax until tomorrow night. Best of luck!

what a nice day for the admission officers!
It make sense that they would take Saturday off and return to work on Sunday.
they are teaching students a “valuable” lesson: do not submit papers until the due date

@DQZ1213DQZ Procrastination is not a “valuable” lesson.

@Sandboxx24 True. i should put it in quotation marks.

“My understanding is that decisions are made by January 31st, but that it could take a few days after January 31 for the decisions to all be released.”

If Wisconsin students are assigned a paper that has to be written by a certain day, do they then have a few more days to actually submit the paper? lol

Many posters are showing a lack of maturity in recent posts. None of you are the center of the world. btw- I’ll bet there are some sure admits who applied this month and already heard; it is rolling admissions after all. Not first come first heard. Thank goodness admissions doesn’t need to deal with posters on CC- it would be tempting to deny so many just on the annoyance factor. What would people do if the date were 5 days sooner or later- change their rant dates? 99% of UW applicants do not bother with posting on this site…

@wis75. Why do you bother posting on this site? Just curious…

I applied to the College of Engineering in October, just checked my portal and clicked the “2016 Fall Application” and it no longer says my intended major is engineering. It now says that my intended major is my alternate major that I picked. Does that mean that I am no longer being considered for the engineering school? :frowning:
Best of luck to everyone!

@wis75 people are not acting the way they are for no reason. They are irritated and anxious and this is a VERY VERY big deal for some people and so these feelings are warranted. You can not pull rank on somebody just because you don’t understand the way they are feeling. Also, no OOS applicants have heard yet that is the reason for all of the frustration and it is all anybody has been talking about on here.

P.S.- for future reference, it’s “first come, first serve”, not “first come, first heard”. “First come, first heard” doesn’t make any sense.

Its 10pm EST and nothing still in PA…good night everyone…Good Luck tomorrow :slight_smile:

@wis75 UW Madison wouldnt survive without an applicant pool. Collectively, the applicant pool is, in fact, the center of the world from Madison’s point of view.

Also, I doubt the applicants that are complaining on here are upset that they didn’t get it today. They’re upset that NO ONE recieved a decision today after Madison said they’d release all this weekend. For many, this decision is a life changer and for you to downplay it’s importance shows a great deal of ignorance.

@GlennRobinsonIII How do you know that no OOS have heard yet? Have you contacted all of them? Has the admissions office told you that?

@wis75 has been very helpful for people requesting info on the university itself, and providing constructive feedback on chance me threads, my threads included. These feelings are warranted but the behavior exhibited on this thread is not. Yes, it is stressful to wait, believe me I understand the feeling as a fellow applicant. The overall attacking tone present in many(not all) posts shows the level of maturity. The deadline is January 31st. Until it is February 1st, these criticisms of admissions are not warranted. You cannot assume UW-Madison is not attempting to finish application decisions, most if not all of you have had no experience in university admissions. We have no idea what is occurring in their offices, so stop hunting for information and rumors and just wait less than 24 hours.

@CollegeMan91 a very good point. CC is a small portion of applicants, many people could have heard tonight. We cannot assume people posting on this thread are the only ones experiencing this.

@bascombadger123 Not sure! I’d email the university about it, possibly the office of admissions. Good luck!

@Natalie278 @bascombadger123 I wouldn’t bother emailing… I’d wait for a decision first to confirm your suspicions.

@CollegeMan91 My apologies, I had thought they’d already been accepted.

@CollegeMan91 @Natalie278 thank you!

It’s Saturday night. Why aren’t you out with your friends?

I think everyone needs to take a step back, this is a public website so everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, if anyone is truly being offended then just leave, no one is forcing anyone to read or post on this site, though some may feel the need to bash others, in the end we are all frustrated applicants, burnt out from the stress of senior year and the college application process looking for a site to voice an opinion and discuss with others, Yes I understand this purpose of this website is to discuss chances, and acceptances etc. however, I like many others enjoy discussing frustration while also discussing the college process on this website with others in the same boat…My Apologies if I have offended anyone with this post