UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

I think people are more irritated with the fact that they explicitly tweeted that decisions would be coming out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It’s understandable. Obviously we all know that they aren’t obligated until tomorrow but at least for me I think it’s really not cool to say that and then not follow through.

People in China are receiving decisions now…

@bassclarinet98 You didn’t read what I and previous posters have said. Not everyone on this forum represents all the applicants to UW-Madison. Many people could have received a decision tonight that aren’t members of CC.

I kind of get that, but I feel like if there were decisions out, there would be at least ONE person posting here, which hasnt happened yet

I never thought waiting for decisions would be as painful as writing essays lol … I guess we will all find out soon enough though (hopefully)

you just have to chill and forget about how you’re waiting; nothing you can do now

@wis75 “Many posters are showing a lack of maturity in recent posts.”

You know what would be worse than a bunch of frustrated posters? No one caring when U of Wisconsin does anything.

The reality is that, at top schools, admissions offices are criticized when they fail to communicate effectively. It is just part of playing in the big leagues.

The expression is actually “First come, first served”.


The phrase is often but erroneously stated as “first come, first serve” (instead of “served”). This is an error because “come” is grammatically functioning as a past participle, as it does in the sentence, “They have come.” The phrase abbreviates the sentence “The first to have come is the first to be served.”


I call bs

@Madison85 sorry, didn’t expect you to pull out the big guns

I feel like I have made some enemies on here and I would like to formally apologize to anybody that I offended. I hope you all get into Wisconsin.

While we wait, a good read about CC and other “useful” sites. I can save you a few minutes: majority of information is on college websites–not CC; “chance me” is worthless; nobody really knows/understands the admission process.

Hopefully, we all get to move forward on or after 31 Jan with next steps. Good luck.


@RDG1409 college websites do indeed provide the best sources of truth for items such as key dates. However they are designed by marketing firms to only show the best side of the school.

Forums such as CC are excellent sources for unwhitewashed opinion and discussion. It’s where I learned Wisconsin is having issues keeping top faculty, minn is looking at significant tuition increases, Brown admission is part excellence/part luck etc.

I for one am very grateful to cc and this thread. Here I learned Wisconsin informed Minnesota and international students before other OOS. Knowing everyone in IL is waiting as well made it easier.

Hopefully today brings everyone their answers!

ugh still nothing :((

I think people are so upset because during this waiting process it becomes clear that the applicant has no power and therefore no control. Our power is tied up in the little decisions made over four years in high school but in the end, someone else says you’re in or you’re out!

Accepted Jan 29th (applied Nov. 2nd) into College of Letters and Science
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.9 (unweighted) / 4.2 (weighted)

Awake with fingers crossed in Texas, no word….my D says, it’ll be 2359….lol….lots of luck to everyone!

@stormypanda Congrats! Did you get your decision this morning?