UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@stormypanda which state are you from? MN?

Does everybody have access to “tuition account summary” under my account and things such as “student life” and “parent program” under resources and “registrar’s office” under contact us?? Or is this just me?

@ranchgirl123. We also have access to those things, and have not received an admissions decision yet.

Iowa. Still nothing.

Nothing in NY

Does anyone have the search for classes button?

Are we beginning to think they won’t wait until 7 tonight?

@coffee18 At this point nothing would surprise me. It could be in five minutes it could be 11:59 PM. This year has been irregular for them.

That’s true! Well, we will all know soon enough. Good luck!!

@JKolt97 Thank you! I got it Friday morning (on the 29th) but didn’t see it until this morning

I find this whole thing really odd. Are they actually in the office this morning making final decisions? I feel like they must be since there was no release last night. But even if they’re still looking at some now, I’m sure they have already decided on many, whom they could have started telling last night. It’s just hard to guess what’s going on there…

As a UW parent, I’ve been historically quite active on this board – for all the students waiting for decisions, yes, it is difficult to wait, believing that one click on a computer screen will set your future on one path or another. Waiting is hard, but you’ve all heard your grandparents’ expression, “a watched pot doesn’t boil” – if you sit waiting for something, it seems interminable. So walk away. Go to a movie, do homework, exercise.

The outcome for applicants who met the first deadline has been decided, it is just a matter of time when you hear that decision. And it is not as though a single admissions rep checks the “Admit” box and then all they have to do is push send, and it shows up in your Student Center. Recall all the “scandals” where schools sent acceptances to the wrong batch of kids? The process of admitting a student is far more than whether they have completed review of a file. And yes, the fact that this year, UW has not done it the same way as in the past, with waves of decisions over a period of months is frustrating for students who expected this year would follow the same pattern. But UW explicitly says when decisions will be sent, and that the decisions are admit, reject and postpone. It is not first in, first out. Some schools have rolling admissions, IU for instance, typically gives a decision within a month. UW, Michigan and various other flagships do not claim to do that.

And for those of you who find that you are “postponed,” it does not mean rejected, it just means the file will be considered further and a decision released by the second round. Many postponed students are admitted.

Good luck to you with your college process.

Last year a long-time CC poster who often seems to have inside knowledge wrote that generally 25% of students who applied in the first notification period are admitted, 25% are denied and 50% are postponed.

@Madison85 But what percent of postponed students are later admitted?

CollegeMan91 I would like to know the same thing. Also, has anyone posted that they have been denied? realize generally people do not come on here and post denied. …but you think at least 1 or 2 would…

50% postponed? That stat is awfully high and a cop out imo. I hope that is not correct.

My understanding is that Admissions has determined that postponed students have the qualifications to succeed at UW-Madison, however there is not space in the freshman class for all qualified applicants, so the decision in postponed until no later than March 31.

@BrewCrew82 Yes, but also nobody in state has posted saying that they have not received a decision, and by that logic that means that no in state students have been denied. I’m sure people just don’t want to show off their rejection.

As a parent of an applicant, i have really developed a negative outlook on the University of Wisconsin.

The multiple waves of released, and seemingly different treatment of out of state and in-state/neighboring states is unsettling. Will my child be treated as a second class student because she is out of state?

I have a student at another out of state school equally as competitive as UW, and we did not find that in the application process at all, as we have found with UW this year.

Is it due to cutbacks at the state level?

Why the multiple waves of releases, why not just make the decisions and release all at the same time? Just set a date and do it.

@chicagoprt my daughter is waiting, as well. If there is any solace in the length of time consider this: http://time.com/3637980/college-admissions-mistakes-johnshopkins/

Wisconsin likely gets many, MANY more applicants than schools like Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon and Vassar. In the end, I’m sure their main interest is in delivering the CORRECT decisions to all applicants. . . and that takes time and, yes patience : )

Good luck to everyone!