UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Do you mind sharing her stats?

@GlennRobinsonIII “Would they have let us know by now if they were not going to release the decisions by today?”

Friday’s tweet fro Uclearly indicated that they will be released by today, Here is Friday’s tweet from UWMadison Admissions: “#futurebadgers who applied by 11/2: We’ll release decisions all weekend. If you don’t hear tonight, don’t worry: You’ll hear on Sat or Sun.”

That note could be a lot more specific, but having sent it, can’t imagine that they will not release decisions today.

Well folks looks like we’re going to be waiting until 11:59pm

We did not apply for any financial aid. After she got the WAITLIST notice end of March she knew in her heart that she would choose the university she is at now – but still wanted to see UW Madison to the end. It screwed things up with her freshman dorm housing situation at current school since she waited on the UW decision. In the end…it was the best thing for her to have her own school away from older sibling and I get to visit wonderful Madison and another great college town.

@caliapplicant “Well folks looks like we’re going to be waiting until 11:59pm”

Maybe, but I doubt it.

First, the admissions office is not going to be working late today, if they are working at all.

Second, tomorrow is a school day. If they put decisions our at 11:59pm, they are going to hear about it from a lot of angry high school Guidance Counsellors.

I can’t image that they will release them any later than 10pm.

So where did she go? Can’t we have a hint?

Stats I would put at just a smidge under the average. Again this was LAST year
gpa: unweighted 3.53 several AP
ACT: 28 (Eng 33, Math 31)
Varsity Captain, Great EC community service

Older sibling stronger applicant with gpa and ACT but not as strong EC, leadership.

@chicagoprt and @Madison85. To tell you the truth, we also have some concern about differential treatment. Certainly not on a day to day basis, but how about when it comes to internship placement or admission into a particular program that the university offers. For example, we know an OOS student at UW now who would like to enter their pharmacy program. He’s concerned about being admitted because he found out that UW prefers to train individuals who will go on to serve Wisconsin as pharmacists, not those who will go back home to work. Maybe this only happens with certain professional programs, and other state schools are probably the same, but still a bit of a concern.

@Candlewoodgal "To tell you the truth, we also have some concern about differential treatment. Certainly not on a day to day basis, but how about when it comes to internship placement or admission into a particular program that the university offers. "

I have heard of this in certain programs, in other state universities. For example I know that at some BSU’s they reserve a specific minimum number of med school places for in-state residents. However, this is the first time I have heard it at Wisconsin. As with any program, it does pay to ask specific questions in advance about programs you are interested in.

New tweet from Admissions “#futurebadgers who applied by 11/2 and haven’t heard yet, decisions are still on their way. We know it’s tough to wait, Hang in there!”

So now they are saying that they know it is tough to wait, and no longer mentioning that they will be released by today, like Friday’s tweet said. They also don’t say that they are in the office working on it. To me that sounds like they are euphemistically suggesting that it may not be today at all.

If decisions were going to be released today, I think the tweet would say something like, “#future badgers Thanks for waiting! The wait is finally over! The remaining early decisions will all be released tonight starting at xx:00 CT. Thanks for you patience. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon.”

I hope I am wrong about that.

Ugh More poor, ambiguous communication. Why leave us to try to guess what it means? Just provide a clear timing update.

@Much2learn. I agree. If my son is admitted, we will definitely look more closely at his intended major. Thanks

Folks, admissions recently tweeted that they will be releasing decisions today. So, as they have always stated, those who applied by 11/2 will know by February 1.

Personally, I think they have been very clear and transparent. Early applicants knew they would have a decision by the end of January.

@Much2learn They tweeted that, but there have been so many people tweeting at them this morning and UW has constantly affirmed that they are coming out today, so I think we can interpret the tweet you brought up referring to today

Yes, they have replied to several people and they have consistently replied that today is the day. There have been no surprises.

@Themclos @dualstrike98

That is encouraging. I hope you are correct!

Bizarre. Their tweet creates more confusion than clarity. By saying “still on their way” as opposed to simply “on their way,” it seems possible they are still making decisions. It is what it is.

Wow! Some sure like the drama. Nothing official has ever said anything but end of January. I have a son waiting and also have a current daughter at UW. OOS students are treated great based on our experience. In the admissions process it totally makes sense as to why they would review instate first. They need to understand the instate quality and acceptance prior to evaluating OOS to fulfill the mandate of a state school.

As an out of state student admission can be more selective depending on how competive your high school is and how many students apply from your high school. My daughter and I met with an admissions counselor after the campus tour and were told even though my daughter is above the academic profile of UW’s admitted student, that she is competing for a spot with other students from her high school. Last year there were 150 applicants from her high school and they admitted 39. I understand the need for diversity but it works against you if you are at a highly competitive high school- at least at UW it can. Good Luck!

Actually, I don’t think anyone likes drama–except people who accuse others of liking drama. You’re correct that nothing official has ever said anything other than month-end. But when an official tweet comes out that says what this last one does, it makes some people legitimately think that UW may not make the Jan 31 date. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter when the decision comes out, but being a little anxious doesn’t equate to be dramatic.

People are dicing up words here. The real problem is that the University has created a lot of uneasiness. If you look at other schools, people hear from admissions on an on going manner. Some schools will state a specific a date.
In my opinion, the amount of uneasiness this is causing, may make me rethink where I will attend college. I have been accepted to some nice colleges EA. If I am going to take out a student loan, I think I’d rather stay with a school that makes me feel good. The best way to explain this Is if you were taking out a mortgage for a house. If two houses are fairly similar but one didn’t feel right, would you take out a HUGE loan for something that is not making you feel good. Last year, a lot of students who applied EA and were postponed, didn’t get their decision until March 31. That means some students actually waited almost a half a year. That’s crazy. I think I am going to shop around and see which school is REALLY the right fit for me. Toooo much money at stake and certainly there are plenty of schools that can give just as good of an education. .