UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Since tomorrow is the last day people can submit an application to UW, maybe the counselors are looking through the apps submitted after 11/2 to see if they admitted the right amount of EA applicants? I really hope not, but I guess it is a possibility. I wish they would just release all the decisions at one specific time and let us know what that time will be. I know many other schools like SMU tell you an exact time and it would be a lot less stressful for the applicants.

Don’t count on any financial aid (other than federal direct loan of $5500) unless your FAFSA EFC is $12000 or less for MN/WI residents or $14000 or less for nonresidents.

At EFC $12000, you would get a $3000 grant (WI or MN resident), or a $6000 grant (nonresident).

At EFC $14000 nonresidents get $3000 (and zero at EFC $14001).

Residents get zero at EFC $12001.

Based on 2015-2016 NPC.

Internship placement is at the whim of the companies, not UW-Madison faculty.


Similar to undergrad, the UW-Madison School Pharmacy has mandated limits on the number of nonresidents that can be enrolled into each year’s 150 person entering Pharm.D. class. No more than 27.5% of any admitted class can be nonresidents.

Ranked # 5, admission to the PharmD program is highly competitive.


Unless they’re still reading applications and making decisions on a Sunday (and the last day they have to release them), why can’t they just post them? It’s already pretty late in the day…

I think we should create safe spaces for applicants so that if they are waiting they are given safe time/date zones to know when they will receive their decisions : )

I’m sorry to be snarky, but really, is anyone truly suffering through the process/time of allowing the university to decide who will be admitted?

Apparently yes.

@Proddad26 “I’m sorry to be snarky, but really, is anyone truly suffering through the process/time of allowing the university to decide who will be admitted?”

To me that sounds like it is snarky toward the University.

Suggesting that it would be silly for applicants to care so much about getting admitted to school like the University of Wisconsin, as if it is like getting admitted to a community college. Something I would expect an antagonistic University of Michigan student to say.

Let’s all please remember that we’re all in the same boat here as OOS applicants. If you love this school as much as I do, the wait is worth it. Good luck to everyone, hope to see you on campus next fall.

@Much2learn My apologies for anyone I offended. My comments were not intended to be dismissive to anyone, particularly not the school. Why would I be on this posting unless I valued the school? And why would you bring up the University of Michigan? What does that have to do with anything?

p.s. you spelled my name wrong : )

I think we can all agree that making EA applicants wait until the last minute is a tad bit obnoxious

@jackbnimble Well, actually not. Sure it would be great to hear early. But, the school said “end of January” which is today. Maybe they will make today (although I would be pleasantly surprised since it is a Sunday late afternoon at this point). Maybe they will make tomorrow. Hopefully, by the end of the week. In fact, its my confidence in the school that they will do what they can do to get the decisions as quickly as possible. I’m sure they aren’t withholding responses. If they haven’t yet delivered, it’s probably for a very good reason.

@jackbnimble @ProudDad26 look at my previous post 1119.

@ProudDad26 Today is just about over and I find it hard to believe that they are still making decisions at this hour. The bottom line is that we can be annoyed about it, but all we can do it wait. I wasn’t expecting to hear early, but I also wasn’t expecting to be left hanging until Sunday night

Fair enough. Not fun. . . but no choice in the matter, I suppose. I hope you are admitted. Wisconsin is a superb school. Best of luck.

@Smilie1 Do what is right for you. But, don’t base it on this process. I posted previously about how schools have made mistakes in who they have admitted, and then withdrawn acceptances. Let’s all allow Wisconsin the time they need to make the right decisions. When they do, I hope you have good news. Whether you choose to attend or not will be yours. But, I hope that you have that option to make.

@ProudDad26 Thanks. I do appreciate hearing another point of view.

@Smilie1 I agree. Bad feelings all around. Good luck to you,

But the reality is we will never know if they make the right decisions. They make their decisions, and we get the results. We will never know if it was wrong or right…

Reality is also that the feelings that many feel about this dragging out so long are real feelings. I am tired of the but they always said the end of January…however they have retweeted tweets from people who were accepted back in dedember. If it was truly transparent they would say we will begin releasing decisions for in state and MN in December and international students in early January. Other out of state students will not receive a decision until January 31 at 8 pm.

Other schools deal with as many applications an have a single release or mailing date. Either they need a different system or more staff.

A thought…didn’t Wisconsin change the acceptance policy for OOS to be a percentage of in state? If so, that might explain why things are slower. I can see where they would release Wisconsin early, see what the numbers are to determine what that percentage equals to in OOS, and then release OOS.