UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@CollegeMan91 … Sorry! Missed that.

My son was postponed. He had applied to Engineering.
OOS, 33 ACT, 3.5 GPA (UW), two varsity sports, orchestra, a handful of AP courses, and no leadership roles. Four years of PLTW courses demonstrating interest and achievement in engineering.
His first semester GPA was excellent and he will submit that transcript as instructed.

Does the housing process need to be completed before accepting the admission to college? ( I got an email for housing options)

Postponed OOS
3.9 gpa. 2130 sat.

What does it mean by me getting accepted into letters and sciences? My intention was Businesss major, specifically marketing. Does anyone know??

California resident. 3.78 GPA. 32 ACT. Accepted! So grateful. Now just have to hope I can handle the cold!!

@redbluegreen19 I have the same issue
Accepted to the College of Letters and Sciences

Outside of the direct admit program, business majors are admitted to the CLS and then apply to the business school generally after the first year. http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/admissions/uw-madison-student

You got an email about housing already??

^ @Rahulbarcafan

How does a 34 ACT (35 Super scored) with 4.3+ weighted GPA from a very competitive HS get postponed by UW Madison? Yes, has all the extra stuff including Varsity sports, activities outside of school including charitable work, etc. BTW the sports teams at the HS are very difficult to make.

@Dad1989 there’s a theory that those that rank exceptionally high are postponed in case they decide to go to a higher ranked university, to leave space for those who have UW Madison as their first choice for a higher yield rate. Not sure if this is true or not.

^^Direct admit (DA) to Bus school is separate app. You should receive invite to apply soon. Two essays is all. If not DA then you apply 3rd semester, I think, and app is much longer and comprehensive. DA acceptance is 15%; sophomore acceptance 75%.

ACT: 30
GPA: 3.4
No class rank, Good ECs, Letters of Recommendation, and Good Essay

@Dad1989 UW uses unweighted GPA not weighted GPA. Almost all the students accepted (at least the posts I’ve seen) had unweighted GPA’s > 3.6. UW also appears to weight GPA more than standardized test scores, which in turn appear to be weighted more than EC’s. If your son’s unweighted GPA was over 3.6 and he had mostly A’s in his AP and honors courses, then being postponed would make little sense. Others have mentioned that is hard to point to one thing in terms of admissions, but last year’s entering freshman class at UW had an average unweighted GPA of 3.83 (I.e., appears to be a major factor).

I have heard about students contacting UW admissions and asking for a review when they were rejected. If UW is one of your son’s top choices, maybe he could do the same. Send last semester’s grade, let them know he is really interested, make sure there isnt any missing application material, etc

Does anyone know of any in-state applicants that were denied? I saw posts from OOS applicants that were denied, but I don’t recall any from in-state applicants.

Also, I think this question came up earlier yesterday, but I don’t know if anyone had an answer. Does anyone know the percentage of postponed applicants that eventually get accepted?

I would have your son’s counselor contact UW Admission’s area rep to see what happened. I know grades are very important and Wisc looks at unweighted coupled with course load (did he take the difficult track in classes)? We have a friend who was postponed last night with a 33 ACT with a similar weighted GPA to your son. They are doing the same thing in terms of follow up with our counselor. It could have something to do with how many other students from your high school applied and what their stats and classes they had compared to your son, but that is a total wild guess on my part.

^comment for @Dad1989

Daughter accepted
OOS - California
Letters & Science -> Business
31 ACT
4.2 weighted GPA, ??? unweighted
3 AP classes, 5 Honors classes, 1 UC Berkeley class
4 years varsity golf
National Charity League - 600 hours community service
Fashion Board plus work at Nordstrom

Congrats to the admitted students, hang in there for the postponed students and do reiterate your interest if UW is your top choice!

For students contemplating the College of Letters and Science (so, non Engineering or Business or CALS) – keep an eye open for a communication (could be electronic or hard copy, I do not recall) from UW about applying to the Honors program in the College of Letters & Science. Historically, the due date for the Honors application is several weeks after that specific student’s acceptance and is not a global due date generally applicable to every student. Students excited about their acceptance have sometimes missed that there was a due date for the Honors program application which is much closer than the May 1 date to accept the admissions offer. With so many students being admitted this weekend, I have no way of knowing if the procedure will change this year or not.

If you think you might be interested in in the Honors program, keep an eye open for that communication and calendar the due date for your application, then spend some time looking at the L&S Honors program online. UW L&S Honors is different from some other schools in that ALL admitted students are invited to participate, not just certain students with minimum stats etc. It is a program, not a separate College, and a student can dabble in Honors offerings or meet the comprehensive requirements for Honors in the Liberal Arts by taking Honors work across the liberal arts curriculum (Humanities, Social Science and Natural Science).

For students who do miss the deadline, or change their mind, students can apply to the Honors program during freshman year. However, only students admitted to the Honors program already can register for fall classes freshman year which are limited to Honors program students. When my student was an incoming freshman, there were Honors FIGs (first year interest groups – a cluster of thematically related classes which you take with the same 20 or so students, forming a natural academic study group and friend group, at least for those early days and weeks). Most FIGs are non-Honors based, but a few will be only for Honors students.

At least when my son was admitted, the Honors app involved the usual demographics/info about ECs. What was distinctive about the application was the essays, 3 thought-proving essays which challenged the student to reflect on a range of topics. Many students decide not to apply to Honors because they are not excited by the questions posed in the essays, which seems to be a fairly effective way to distinguish among admitted students to see who really wants to be part of this program from those who do not.

Bottom line, if you think you are going to stay in the College of Letters & Science, keep an eye open for a communication about the Honors program and the deadlines, and take a look at the program to see if it interests you.

Good luck to all.