UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@Midwestmomofboys, Thanks so much for the above info.

@BrewCrew82, I have been closely following this thread and did not see any in-state applicants post being denied. I also have not seen an answer to the question about percent of postponed students admitted. Best of luck to your son…

@tbc1963 i had a 3.54 unweighted and was accepted and i saw some other people with 3.4 and 3.25 and stuff post that they were accepted so i don’t think that’s entirely true

Anyone else get accepted but not for their first choice major?? I applied for Engineering and had all the stats necessary for the school and a really good recommendation letter from my calculus teacher. However, on my acceptance letter, it says I’m into CALS, which was my alternate choice. Any thoughts on what I should do from here?

@cornguy I did see the one 3.25 example after I posted, but every school has a common data sheet which says what the school considers very important (for UW it is unweighted GPA, class rank, & course rigor), what it considers important (for UW it is residency, standardized test scores, and recommendations), and what is considered (EC’s, essays, etc) and not considered (e.g., religion). The Common data sheet also provides distributions for ACT/SAT scores and unweighted GPA’s for the freshman class of 2014. According to this sheet, 72.4% had an unweighted GPA > 3.75 and 92.3% had an unweighted GPA > 3.5. The 3.6 cut-off is mine, everything else listed in this post is directly from UW’s common data sheet. Note that there are 30,000 applicants and over 6200 freshman enrolled last year, that means 400 or 500 freshman had GPA’s under 3.5, but that is still only 1 out of every 14 or 15 entering freshman.

to be precise Common Data Set


It has admit rate, GPA/SAT/ACT distributions, number of students (grad/undergrad/race/male/female/etc), faculty breakdown, number degrees awarded, retention rates, graduation rates, average financial aid awards, etc. etc.

30 ACT, 4.0 gpa
Have the ECs and letters of rec
Was my #1 and am very disappointed

I know it was previously asked, but does anyone know the stats for how many postponed students actually get admitted? Many people from My high school applied, and I believe this negatively affected my chances. I applied early action to find out early and now have to wait even longer, just trying to see if I still have a chance or not!!

@k4298s last year the overall admit/accept rate was a little over 49% 30,464 applicants, 15,183 admitted, and 6243 enrolled. That’s overall. I do not know what percentage of postponed people were admitted.

According to a 2010 posting by @Madison85, roughly half of postponed students are admitted


Note that the number of applicants in 2010 was noticeably less than 2014 and that the overall admit rate was 10% higher. The document linked to in the @Madison85 also appears to be updated. It still contains information regarding “what to do now that you are postponed” but no longer contains the statistics that his post references.

Others may once again point out that UW has a rolling admission process not an EA/RD admissions process.

Congratulations to accepted students! Remember all of you were accepted to the university as a whole regardless of your intended school/college/major- see post #1333. Unless you hear specifically that you are a direct admit to a program most students are put in L&S as the default college. This is the starting point for most in engineering, business, education, nursing and some other schools/colleges. The great thing is that you can switch majors and even schools/colleges- your UW admission is good for all of them. Of course you will eventually need to be accepted by your major, but if you can’t get the grades in that field you should not be in the major. This also means that STEM majors and humanities and every other major are all evaluated for admissions regardless of the intended (or undeclared) major. This is why your overall ACT/SAT scores matter- you don’t get into UW based on top scores in your intended major, all of your scores count.

Students- definitely check out the L&S Honor Program as suggested in post #1360. It is worth doing the application for those who want the courses first semester- and some are sequences that need to be started first semester.

@Midwestmomofboys you brought up the honors program of Letters and Science.
Does CALS also have an honors program? And if yes, how does one apply?

@coffee18 Yes!!

Is there a honors program for Engineering?

@Rahulbarcafan Yes please see http://www.engr.wisc.edu/current/current-student-undergraduate-honors.html

Has anyone received an email from UW-Madison confirming that they filed the FAFSA? I have not, and I am slightly concerned as other schools I have applied to have confirmed with me.
EDIT: Never mind I just checked the student center, and it is confirmed in there.

@astroboy249 I am not familiar with CALS as my kid is in Letters & Science so I would suggest looking on the CALS website.

I posted specifically on L&S both because that is, I believe, the largest of the undergraduate colleges at UW and because, sometimes families have gotten grumpy when they realize they didn’t read the letter carefully and had missed their deadline for applying to L&S Honors – even though the letter was quite specific about the process and date.

Congrats to all.

@CollegeMan91 being the first time (and last) time going through this college app thing with my kid, I find the whole FAFSA thing crazy. I have doubts that my son will qualify for any type of aid, but we will submit the form anyways. However, I don’t need reminders from FAFSA once a week telling me that my sons form is not completed yet. A) Taxes are not due until April 15th and B) I have not received all the forms yet (mainly 1099s) to complete my taxes. C) My son does not know what college he is going to yet as he’s still waiting for final replies from Wisconsin and Minnesota. D) Could they make the deadlines any more confusing and hard to find?

When I go to the fafsa web site and click on the “deadlines” link it has a drop down box for the state. What does this mean, the state we are in or the state the school is in? Then it has a Federal deadline, a state deadline and a school deadline. Really? The school deadline can be different from the state deadline? What is the difference in all these deadlines??

I feel like we still have plenty of time to complete it, but also feel pressured with all these reminders to complete it.

Sorry, I know, way off topic and probably belongs in a different forum.

@CollegeMan91 How does UW-M go about there selection for honors?

UW-M is UW-Milwaukee.

@Madison85 is correct. I’m a grad of UW- Milwaukee. In Wisconsin if you say UWM, people will automatically assume you are talking about UW Milwaukee. UW - Madison is generally referred to as simply UW or Wisconsin

@Rahulbarcafan if you click on link posted by @CollegeMan91 and then click on a specific engineering major (e.g., ChemE) you will see details on their individual honors programs. The two I looked at required a 3.5 college GPA and at least 2 completed semesters at UW (I.e., apply sophomore year). At least that’s how I interpreted what I read

@Midwestmomofboys Okay, thank you!