UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

And for those of you wondering if the website not working is due to decision being made, their website states that “on Sundays (but not necessarily every Sunday), between 6 AM and 6 PM, maintenance activities could temporarily interrupt access to student data. Service is restored when maintenance activities are finished”.

When have they posted decisions in the past?

Similar to the University of Minnesota App tracker

I would suggest going back and reading previous posts in this same thread. There has been several discussions regarding this.

My son attends a large Wisconsin high school. Many of the top ranked seniors have applied to Madison. Not one of them has heard anything one way or the other. I think the posters that said they got in or were rejected are BS ing.

Same here…no one my son knows at the HS he goes to (also a larger HS in WI) has heard anything. Also, just to clarify, one of the posters on Friday said they were postponed (not accepted).

A poster on 12/4 said they got accepted. I don’t believe it.

So do we think that the first wave will come out this Friday?

I agree with you… I don’t believe it either.

Hey everyone I just heard back from UW about an hour and a half ago and I’ve been accepted!

Has anyone else gotten their decisions yet?

Congratulations! How did you find out? Through email, or did you check the student center?

I got an email at 8pm saying that my decision was ready. I don’t know why it looks like I’m the only one who got any sort of notification. In hindsight, it might be because I’ve been speaking to a coach who unofficially recruited me. @jg2020 thank you! I got an email and it told me to check my student center.

@sirrylot Thanks for the clarification

I really do not think the larger waves of acceptances have started yet, but rather individual unique cases. My son applied around 10/27, is a WI resident, 34 ACT, 9 APs, All Conference Athlete/Captain of the team and a 4.0 unweighted GPA at a larger school. WI is his target school and I assume we will hear back soon.

Why do you assume he will hear back soon?

Maybe she means soon as in by the end of next month.

Unless you’re an athlete or somehow getting recruited where they can pull strings-I think it is end of January like they keep saying. My daughter has a music school acceptance and they still said end of January. She also has superior scores and portfolio.

Yes, End of January 31 is the deadline for them to respond (you could still be postponed at that time, and then have to wait until March). However, based on previous years, they clearly do release decisions in waves beginning sometime in December. Last year it appeared that the first “wave” was around the weekend of December 4-5. We did not see a wave that early this year, so it’s a reasonable assumption that there could be a wave of decisions released this weekend. There also tends to be a wave of decisions released 3 or 4 days before Christmas. I guess we will see.

Ok so they cover all bases by telling you the last possible date? I guess I’m confused as to why they would do that but got it. Good luck to all. Great school and town!

I think most schools do it this way. My son also applied at Minnesota. They have a Feb 28th decision deadline, but I know several applicants have already heard back. My son has not received a decision there yet and he applied in August.

My daughter received an acceptance from IU within 2 weeks with honors college… That’s what I thought rolling admissions was. Then there’s deadline admit which is every other school she’s applied to, including Madison. I guess the mantra is check your email… You never know what could be in there. :slight_smile: