UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Minnesota has rolling admit (and really, WI does too), but there is also always a deadline. I think people underestimate the decision process that colleges have to go through, especially those that take a holistic approach to decisions. I think there are some applications that are no-brainers and I believe those are the applicants who tend to hear back first. But I’m sure that there are tons of applications where the student may have great stats, but perhaps not much else going for them, or vice-versa. In addition, they are dealing with in-state, out-of-state quotas, diversity considerations, and dealing with estimates of how many of the accepted students will end up actually attending. There are so many variables, it’s more than just an instant clear cut yes/no for each applicant.

My son also applied at Iowa State and was admitted within 48 hours (they actually “advertise” that quick turn around). However, IS makes their decisions solely on quantifiable statistics (ACT scores, GPA, number of core classes, Class Rank) and it is not a holistic process at all. If fact you can look at their admissions web page and get the formula they use and find out if you will be accepted even before you apply. Here is the link:


Let’s keep the discussion about UWMadison. This thread is regarding early acceptance to UWMadison… not other Universities. There’s threads for those other universities.

@brotherstwo I understand that this is a UWMadison thread, but if you read the entire post (and the posts preceding it) and the context in which the post was made, maybe you would understand the entire nature of the conversation. Just having a conversation about the admission process at UW Madison vs. other schools.

before you are accepted, does the dashboard in your Wisconsin account change from ¨your application will be reviewed as a part of the first notification period…etc." to something else?

@BrewCrew82 I got into Minnesota Twin cities.OOS from NY. I applied in early september heard back in early october

Could a wave be possible for tomorrow? Has anyone heard anything else?

@mdnj16 thats the rumor

say decisions were to come out tomorrow…does anyone know how they do it? Is it in descending GPA/test score order meaning the most qualified kids get in first? Or only instate in the first wave? Or is it just completely random? I think the most complicated thing is trying to understand how college admissions work there’s no rhyme or reason

I don’t think anyone on this site has any inside information as to what the exact “formula” or protocol that the UW-Madison admission office operates under (if there is one). It all guesses based on how they operated in the past. It does seem like there is always a “wave” or two of decisions that happen in January (how they determine who gets included int those first waves of decisions is pure speculation).

do we think the first wave is tonight?

Just a friendly suggestion @c0ll3g3s00n , go back and at least skim the 10-15 replies to the thread before asking that question. If you look at post #145 and then post #146 (just 3 and 4 posts ahead of your post), that would probably answer your question. :slight_smile:

first wave today at 4 PM CST so says our high school. We’ll see.

anyone hear?

If @College2B HS is correct, then hopefully some of us will start hearing in about 40 minutes (not sure where you are, but keep in mind it’s 4pm Central Time @kate1997)

Good luck all! 10 minutes!

Lol nothing here

This is brutaaaaaaaaal :(( I just want to know!

Nothing here either. /:

Do they all release at exactly 4 PM or are they gradually sent out throughout the night?

Nothing here either. I predict some people will start seeing status changes at around 7 or 8 pm tonight. I have no inside information on this. I just remember looking at a thread from last year and I believe the time stamp of the first person to post that they were admitted was about 8pm. Could be completely different this year though.