UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

This is what it states in my son’s financial aid section. This has not changed from what it stated before:

edit: I see the account summary drop down option below this message that you are talking about @savvyitup , but to be honest, I don’t remember if that was an option before or not.

I’m pretty certain it wasn’t there earlier @BrewCrew82 and now it’s letting me apply for scholarships too.

Hmm…Interesting. I’m seeing that link as well (for scholarships) and it appears to go to a page where you can apply for scholarships. Again, not sure if this was there before or not? @savvyitup did you just recently submit your FAFSA, or did you submit it a while ago? My son completed his in mid February.

@BrewCrew82 @savvyitup I’ve had the scholarship link there for a while now. So I don’t think that it just appeared

@wis2020 I think you are correct in that the link was always there, but did it always take you to a page where you could begin applying for scholarships? Again, I’m not sure that we ever clicked on that link, I think we thought that it was just an email link (because of the way the link is worded)

I clicked on that link a few days ago, and it went to the scholarships application page. Therefore, I don’t think it’s an indication of a decision coming today.

@BrewCrew82 Yes I clicked on it last week and it brought me to a page which I could find scholarships that I may be eligible for. I’m still hoping we may get our decisions tonight though.

@BrewCrew82 I remember the stress of postponement last year, I know what you’re going through! PM me if you have any questions. Best decision of my life coming to UW

Thanks ad1172, I’ll keep that in mind if my son end up getting accepted. He may very well have some questions for you. The fact that he’s set to go to Iowa State if he ends up getting denied at UW helps alleviate some of the stress.

So…do we think some decisions will come out today or not? Fingers crossed here for good news soon!

If you were postponed during first wave of decision, you know that they posted decision the day before Feburary, which is as what they promised. Now have to go through this again.
Good Luck to every one!

@NJmaofthree see replies #1413 and #1415 in this thread to get an indication of timing/nature of decisions made at the end of March last year. If it is like last year, not all March decisions will be made on one day. It was over the course of about a week last year (20th-28th).

Thank you brewcrew82! Last years 3/20 is this years 3/18 so maybe, just maybe they will start today!!

For grins I went back 2 years (2014) and it appears that students started hearing back around 3/21 that year (again 3rd Friday of the month).


Considering all decisions from the first wave or previous years come out over or on the first day of the students break period, you should expect to see a decision between roughly the 18th-25th because the admissions officers are older students or alum and that is the time they are available to send out decisions.

Second notification peeps: has anyone heard back yet?! Very nervous! Also, anyone’s finical aid saying ‘No information found’?!

Financial aid**

@Tatortot4 go back and read the last 2 or 3 pages of posts in this thread

are we for sure thinking today? or next week sometime?

All guesses based on previous years. .no one knows anything for certain.