UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Anyone starting to get nervous??

Make sure to keep us updated if your status changes!

@emostyz I’m so nervous! My status hasn’t changed though :frowning:

@wis2020 Mine hasn’t either!

My original decision wasn’t sent out until about 8:30, though.

There’s still hope for tonight!

I’m not sure if my financial aid page will even serve as an indicator because I didn’t submit a FAFSA… any thoughts?

@emostyz Hm I’m not sure, it most likely won’t be an indicator then. But I applied for FAFSA and my status didn’t change for that either so who knows

@wis2020 Guess we will see. What are your stats?

@emostyz 26 ACT, 3.8 GPA, 6 AP classes & 5 honors classes & lots of extracurricularrs and good letters of recommendation. How about you?

@wis2020 You have a great chance. I have a 27 ACT, 3.78 UW GPA at time of applying with mainly A’s and one B at semester. 2 AP’s, lots of involvement with DECA and other extracurriculars. Also an intern at a marketing firm. Sent recent accomplishments in the last couple of months to show interest. It’s a toss up for me!

I’m a little surprised that no one stated anything today about their financial aid status changing. May be that they are not releasing decisions tonight (seems like their schedule all through the Winter did not follow how they previously did things), or perhaps they just changed the way they processed decisions and there will not be any advanced “hints” in the financial status page.

@emostyz you have great stats also! I feel like if you showed extra interest you have a better chance too. I guess we will just have to wait and see! Good Luck

@BrewCrew82 Although it’s a possibility decisions will not start rolling out tonight, I think there is still a good chance. The financial aid page was likely a glitch and if they’ve even looked at these forums this year they would know that there is a “hint” in their system and I’m assuming they would make necessary adjustments if they did know.

@wis2020 Thank you! Good luck to you too. Post when you hear. Either way we’re going to know in the next two weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

Wisconsin is in a tight NCAA hoops game vs Pitt right now so maybe the admissions people are busy watching!!

…or maybe they are just too busy watching the exciting NCAA tourney game that the basketball team is currently in. :))

jinx @NJmaofthree …I owe you a soda!

Looks like it’s not happening tonight :confused:

@sm1997 Nope :confused:

so if decisions normally come out on Fridays does that mean we have to wait a week to the 25th? or do they send out decisions during the week like Monday or Wednesday too?

Ever feel like the UW Admin people look at CC and say…“Ha, they think they have us figured out…well we can’t have that!”. Maybe we will have to wait until the 25th…but I will say that post #1435 makes sense and gives me hope that decisions will start to be released sooner than that.

Hi I applied right before febuary 1st …SAT 2170, superscore 2240
Math 800, writing 780, reading 660. SAT subject chemistry 800, math level 2 770, no APs because my high school did not offer any. Iapplied for biomedical engineering. I have one recommendation letter submitted by my chem teacher. EXtracurricular activities include tennis, volunteer work at senior home and at a local pharmacy. I’m aware that engineering is highly competitive, but what are my chances?