UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

any updates anyone?

Hope I’m wrong, but I get the feeling that there may not be any decisions now until next Friday. However, again, I think the post from @kt.1723 in reply #1435 makes sense in regards to students working for the admin department not having classes and now having time to get decisions out. I guess we will see.

I have a 3.8 GPA with 1870 SAT and I’m just feeling really nervous in a bad way now i JUST

Don’t worry about it guys. Life is perfect, have some weed

Last year people at my school got accepted on the 25th, which was a Wednesday. Maybe we won’t have to wait until Friday? (just trying to be optimistic) lol

If we email the admissions office and ask them when the decisions come out, will they tell us the exact date?

Not likely @Klossy They will probably give you the standard “before the end of March” response as they tend to do when inquiries are made on twitter:


any chance we hear tonight??

I don’t think so because it’s a weekend.

I will say that compared to previous years, this year’s admission thread has been impressive in terms of keeping the conversation contained to one thread. Other than a few other random threads, this has basically been the “go-to” thread for Wisconsin applicants. Started on 9-24 and still going strong 98 pages and 1.5K posts later. Makes it much easier to get a sense of where everyone is in the application process when there are not multiple threads.

maybe tomorrow? :slight_smile:

Does UW use unweighted or weighted GPA?

@mdorbust pretty sure they look at both

guess not tonight :confused: does anyone think its this Friday??

I would think this Friday at the latest for people to start hearing (I’m hoping tomorrow or Wednesday). Although, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they wait all the way until the 30th or 31st. This year has not really followed any past years patterns in regards to when decisions are released.


Ditto @uwmadisonhopeful … I just want to know!


literally praying for Friday

@uwmadisonhopeful arent we all