UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@Natalie278 thanks for mentioning the thread from spring. I found it. As this thread is also about transfer admissions, I find it is appropriate to post it here for other transfers that may be in the program

I’m writing to update you on the status of the transfer agreement with UW-Madison and to provide information about what you will need to do to be able to transfer to UW-Madison.

This is what we have learned in the process of advocating for your immediate admission. Due to budget cuts, UW-Madison has been forced to suspend the transfer program as it was previously administered. Budget cuts, combined with swelling enrollments, particularly in key areas such as engineering and business, have made it impossible for certain academic departments to accommodate transfer students under terms of the guaranteed transfer agreement.

UW-Madison is currently developing a new transfer agreement and hopes to have this in place within the next few months. The new minimum GPA is likely to be either 3.4 or 3.5 and contain additional conditions designed to assure students admitted to UW-Madison meet certain writing standards.
While the previous transfer agreement never guaranteed admission to the major of choice, in the past, transfer students who were unsuccessful in gaining admission business, engineering or other competitive degrees were offered enrollment as “undecided” in the College of Letters and Science and could then choose a major in this area. The College of Letters and Science is no longer capable of absorbing all of these transfer students, many of whom swell certain degree programs such as economics and chemistry. During this current interim period and later when the new transfer agreement is in place, prospective transfer students who unsuccessfully request admission to competitive degrees such as business or engineering, will likely not be admitted to UW-Madison. Those students will likely have to either transfer to another university or wait another semester and attempt to re-apply to UW-Madison by choosing another major. Choosing “undecided” for a major will likely no longer be a plausible transfer strategy. Admission to business and engineering degrees will remain highly competitive and it is likely that only the very top, high-achieving students will receive consideration. So prospective transfer students will have to weigh the relative risks of attempting to transfer in those degree areas.

Regarding your personal transfer situation, since the transfer agreement has been suspended, you were evaluated by UW-Madison based on the general merits of your application. In talking with UW-Madison about your situation, we have a suggestion for improving your prospects for admission in the fall. It is suggested that you demonstrate another successful semester taking courses in the humanities in order to better enhance your chances for acceptance in the fall.

I’m sorry that we do not have better news for you regarding your transfer to UW-Madison. We all feel extremely disappointed about what has happened. But this is just one of the many severe implications resulting from the budgets cuts that have been imposed in recent years on the University of Wisconsin System.

Please work with your campus international coordinator, Aaron, to plan your next steps. I also would be willing to set a time to talk with you via Skype or phone, if you would like.

While it unfortunately won’t help you this semester, please know that we are urgently pressing UW-Madison to put the new agreement in place immediately so that students like you will have a clear pathway for transfer by fall.

@nkeshvala you most likely got postponed because they wish to see your final semester grades before you’re admitted. If you have above a 3.0 youll most likely get in. In your case, the chance you’ll be admitted is entirely dependent on you, so there’s no reason to be frustrated with UW.

I understand their need to make the decision they did and will (whatever that may be). As a prestigious university that consistently provides research opportunities and has a respectable reputation holistically, I will not question the choices they make due to the challenges faced by the budget cuts.

The wait is excruciating! My best friend got admitted the last week of April last year and after being postponed in March I did not receive a decision until June. You guys just have a little longer to go. The wait is long but worth it!

Tomorrow might be the day for some of us to hear I think

I really hope so!!

April fools is tomorrow

Current University: UWM
Cumulative GPA : 3.82
Last semester GPA: 4.00
Credits gained: 79
Organization: Beta Gamma Sigma, which is top 7% business students organization
Extra exercise: Oversea internship, oversea volunteer experience, Private math tutor belonging to mathematical institution

Finance Major

Actually I am a junior at my current university, which is UW-Milwaukee… but still willing to study at Madison since I have a denied history last year lol.

My cumulative GPA was 3.78 at that time but they denied me !!! ! What the heck.

I cannot hide my angry feeling when I come up with the last year’s result.

I hope all you guys here being admitted. !

@TranferMinn lol that good point…

Admissions better not be pranking us tomorrow hahaha

Current university: UW-Milwaukee
Cumulative GPA: 3.82
Last semester’s GPA: 4.00
Extra exercise: Oversea internship, oversea volunteer, private math tutor belonging to Mathematical institution
Organization: Beta Gamma Sigma (Top 7% business students organization)
Major: Finance / 79 credits

Ha… should I be fine?

Actually my result was postponed and finally denied last semester. What the heck

My GPA was 3.78 when I applied to 2015 Fall semester but still willing to study in UW-Maidson

I guess it was because I am an international student.

I really hope all of you guys being accepted.

@madison2016 surprising you got denied. How many credits are you taking a semester? Maybe they didn’t see your passion in attending? Or maybe poor essays. Good luck this time around! Hope we all get in as well.

@Natalie278 I am currently taking 18 credits this semester. Also, I’ve been taking about 15~18 credits from my freshman year.
Yes. maybe it was because of my essays… since I am not a native speaker.

I’m so anxious I’ve constantly been checking my email and my uw


still waiting… … … ugh

It’s past 7 so is there probably no decisions tonight?

Looks like late April it is.

Yesterday I legit thought “Today is the day” and I was so pumped and at 9 I checked it and nothing. Lol I mean I’ve been waiting since the first week of January, so what is 3-4 more weeks right? Sigh

I received an e-mail yesterday saying decisions were available online, so I checked and I got in!