UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@InfiniteOdds dds when did you submit you application? And what are your stats??

@InfiniteOdds congrats!!! I just sent my winter transcript to them coz im in a quarter system school rn. I guess i will get reply in late april…;(

@InfiniteOdds Congrats … I really hope I can post here just like you did.

@mnglohin I submitted the day before the due date!
A brief overview of my stats is: 3.96 GPA, psych major, honors college at my local community college, three officer positions, intern at a famous children’s hospital, research assistant for an english professor…that’s the more important stuff!

Thank you @BladeX and @madison2016! I wish you the best of luck!

@InfiniteOdds Congrats! So jealous :slight_smile: Are you over 21? Just curious, they typically admit non-traditional students. How many credits have you completed? Do you think you’re going to enroll?

@Natalie278 Thank you! I’m 19! I’ve completed 54 credits so far, this is my last semester and I’ll have 16 more by the end of it. I applied to 7 more schools, so I’m waiting on their decisions + financial aid packages. I’m not sure at all at this point!

@InfiniteOdds awesome! Congratulations!! :slight_smile: are you OOS?

@InfiniteOdds and what did you write on your essays? Just curious :slight_smile: I’m SUPER nervous >.<

@mnglohin Thank you! Yes, I am OOS. I can’t remember much about what I wrote for the second essay except for a small chunk on their research opportunities, but for my first I wrote about a birthmark under my eye that no one notices. I said it was important to me because it marked something I love about myself that hasn’t been touched by others, making it a strong component of what is the otherwise fragile human self-esteem. I had been looking for an excuse to write about that!

@InfiniteOdds is that including AP credits? 70 credits for two years is quite a bit!

@Natalie278 You said “they typically admit non-traditional students” . What’s this meaning? I am just curious. lol

@madison2016 students that are considered “adult students.” Not sure of the age, but if you’re a bit older they’re more likely to accept you.

I personally dont think its abt the age. But some adult students do have more life experience and can write more impactful essay tgat better reveal who they are and what their goals are. That results in higher chance of getting admitted. Stanford U also admit more adult students lol

I am 21 though … a junior student.
Ah…I don’t know… I just hope hope hope being accepted

Hey all, I’ve been just reading this forum since I’ve applied. I am a freshman at the University of Minnesota. I’m just wondering, when do you think the next wave of decisions will come out?

@Badger2016 This FRIDAY at 7PM

@madison2016 why do you say that?

Because they always release decisions at 7 PM on Friday if they do at all.

I hope this Friday is the day!

Hey everyone! I’ve been looking around like crazy but does anyone know what UW’s 2015 or 2014 transfer acceptance rate was? Good luck everyone!