UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@abartolone well I guess we’ll be back here again next week. See you all then!

@TranferMinn If I get accepted, will I get anything in the mail saying that i got accepted?

Applicants who get the result email at 8PM might find “postponed” result.

Yeah you definitely get an acceptance letter

How many days would it take for me to receive the acceptance letter? @TranferMinn

I have no idea, this was last year getting accepted as a high school senior. I think last year was like a week at most.

Maybe now we should just assume that they will send all notifications on April 30th…

Yeah on the Twitter page they said we will know by the end of April so let’s just assume last Friday of april

@jj282blue @TranferMinn I just refuse to accept that haha!

I had a friend (who is a transfer student and also applied for fall 2016) call admissions today and actually get good feedback about why decisions have been taking so long to be released. This admissions counselor said that because of the high number of students who applied for freshman admissions, it had taken them about this long to give out decisions, since their deadline is the end of March. Now that they have finished freshman applications, they are just starting to look at our transfer applications. At this point, the last week of April is sounding more like when we’ll hear according to this new info, although I’m not sure how fast they go through applications (and admissions are rolling, so I guess it could be sooner).

@abartolone good good good good.
Did your friend ask about the amount of transfer students who applied at this time ?

She didn’t, but somebody on here had previously made a comment about why the transfer application deadline was extended. Saying something along the lines of how Madison’s “quota” had not been met. If this is true, I would assume they didn’t get as many applicants as they would’ve expected, which is good news for us.

What does everyone think about our chances of finding out tomorrow?

@Badger2016 I think its just as likely we’ll find out tomorrow as every other weekend that’s come and gone.

@Badger2016 Honestly I’d like to hope I will hear from them tonight, but I’m kind of not getting myself excited. I’ve basically resigned myself to knowing I’ll hear back in two weeks anyways.


Nothing on my end…

Me either.

Actually I didn’t believe them yesterday haha but only 2 weeks left…

It’s ridiculous how long this is taking. Transfer students have to know whether they are in or not because they have to register for fall classes at their current university if they don’t get it.

I have five applications out for different biomedical engineering programs, Madison was my backup but I’m gonna throw an app to Milwaukee just to be safe… I just want to know I have SOMEWHERE to go next year.