UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

Has anyone ever heard of UW-Madison revoking admission after someone has been admitted and plans to attend because of a drop in grades their second semester?

I think it says online that a significant drop in grades could be grounds to revoke an admission decision, but I would imagine it would have to be a pretty significant drop.

Anxiously waiting, hoping today is the day because it is late April. Good luck to everyone and let’s hope we get what we have been waiting for!

Good luck to all of you guys! All I’m going to think about today during work is if the decisions will come out ahah

Personally I’m betting on next Friday. All other admission decisions have been released on the final day of the deadlines.

@Natalie278 really? dang it hahaha

I saw on forums from years past that some people could see the transfer credits evaluated under “my academics” before they were admitted which was kinda like an unofficial admit for them… Does anyone have anything like that?

Yeah I am also guessing it will be next Friday. I don’t think they would release a wave of decisions this Friday and then again next Friday. So unless they are completely done reviewing all applications, I’m betting next Friday is when they will be released. @fgishsh4444 under mine it says to no evaluations to display for transfer credit.

Mine too, either they haven’t reviewed our transcripts yet, weve been denied, or the admissions office recognized they essentially were handing out unofficial acceptance letters and stopped updating the credit evaluations.

Nah they’re doing decisions tonight.

Hey I didn’t get an email but I loged in and saw my admissions letter. I can’t believe I got in

You guys should check!!!

I didn’t get anything here.

Nothing here either. Welp might aswell assume I got rejected lmao.

I got in! Communication Major!

@TranferMinn not necessarily. Could mean they want to go through more applications before making a final decision on yours. They may just be admitting people who are dead-locked to be admitted (so like around a 4.0 GPA) who knows!

I got in too! Computer science!
Stats: UW lacrosse freshman, 3.56 gpa, no extra curriculars but research experience

Got my admissions letter. Didn’t receive an email but I just logged in to my UW account and I’ve been admitted to CS. I accepted an offer to study CS at UIUC nearly two months ago so I won’t be going (plus I’m in-state in Illinois). I was actually rejected by UW Madison for Spring admission so now it is my turn to reject them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Honestly, Madison was originally my first choice while applying as UIUC seemed like a long shot. UW Madison is a great school and best of luck to anyone who will be attending this Fall. Plus the town of Madison >> Urbana-Champaign but UIUC’s CS program was to good to pass up.

By the way my Stats were:
-Illinois community college student
-58 credits
-3.68 GPA (slightly higher STEM GPA)
-Completed Calculus and have also completed two programming courses.

Yeah… Would be a shame to get rejected after already getting in once out of high school.

To those of you admitted: do you see your transfer credit evaluations under “my academics”?

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I also got my admission decision tonight, and I was accepted. I had a 3.7 college GPA from out of state and was pretty involved in extracurriculars. This thread was really helpful to me so I just wanted to let you guys know because if your stats were similar to mine you probably got in too! I also did not receive an email and just decided to check MyUW. Good luck to everyone and I hope to see you all on campus next year!