UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@TranferMinn hopefully you and I will be admitted tonight/next week, or even postponed for that matter! I’ve been doing so well this semester, looking at a 3.92(my best GPA since grade school!) with 21 credits, with engineering physics(even though I’m not an engineer) Chem bio humanities and English, I hope they’ll at least give me the chance to send this semester in before denying me. But I wouldn’t lose hope just yet, just wait until your decision comes out!

@033114lhs hey congratulations! :slight_smile: Which uni? And do your transfer credits show up under my academics? Think you’ll enroll?

@Natalie278 yeah I’m sure I’ll be postponed because I applied for electrical engineering. Yeah my high school record is like flawless and my GPA last semester was above average for Minnesotas Twin cities Engineering college which is supposedly harder than Madison. I’m just pissed because I’ve been extremely sick all this year and I just want to come home to Wisconsin. It’s so bogus they drag this out so long. Like its pretentious to think they should accept me because I was accepted out of high school and I go to a school of equal to harder caliber, but whatever that’s how I feel.

Where would I find a letter of any?

@TranferMinn if you’re in-state you most likely will get in, I’d be surprised. But I’ve read their college of engineering seems to be filling up, would you attend even if you’re accepted to L&S?
@shermama96 in your student center under notifications.

Hey guys! Congrats to all who got in! Quick question for those who just got accepted tonight…when did you apply? Also, where did you find your letter? Thanks and congrats again! :slight_smile:

3.92 alone seems like you’re a lock @Natalie278 .

@TranferMinn when did you have all your materials ( transcripts, test scores, letters, etc… ) turned in? It’s still possible they just didn’t finish reviewing your application yet.

@Natalie278 yeah I also applied to Letters and Science as my secondary so I’d still go if I wasn’t accepted to engineering. Also electrical engineering is one of the least competitive engineering programs. Yeah if I don’t get in I’m appealing claiming sickness as the only reason my GPA was so average.

@TransferFromEC my freshman year however I received <1.5 GPA due to medical reasons I’ve disclosed previously. I’m doing extremely well but my cumulative GPA will be almost impossible to get above a 3.2.

@TranferMinn did you not disclose this in your campus-specific essay?

All my materials were in like January 20th or something like that. @MadwthanE

Hey guys. Congrats to everyone who got in! I’m in state and I haven’t heard anything yet, slightly going crazy.

Thanks, I figured it would be there. Nothing has changed and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

I got in!! Horticulture major!

Goodbye UCONN

It’s a little discouraging not seeing any change. I did apply on February 7th so it’s not too surprising

@Sconnie23 Yeah I was slightly insane before i found out, but latest you’ll hear now is one week.
@Natalie278 Well they like to see improvement, so there’s that.

I’m in Uconn now as well, but I got GPA as 3.2 last semester and made my cumulative GPA only 3.5… I still have not heard anything back yet…@capecod24

@TransferFromEC were you accepted?

Just going to assume I won’t hear until Friday :confused: a girl in my Chem course got accepted, so pressure is on >.<