UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

I was advanced 2 years so I was taking geometry at the high school, but for normal 8th graders pre algebra was the class people took and for some 8th graders who were slightly advanced which was like 50/200 kids they took algebra 1

@Natalie278 you can always call them
And ask to talk to an admissions counselor and ask them why you were denied. That’s what I’m planning on doing.

@MadwthaE I’m fairly sure as to why I got denied, my cumulative GPA is low. If anything I’m going to call and see if I should even bother sending in my grades, and what else I have to do to prove myself ready for their curriculum.

Postponed, I probably could have gotten a full blown acceptance if I had more LOR’s. I only submitted one, and I didn’t feel comfortable asking other professors/advisors to help me out. I’m a student who likes to blend in. Never go to office hours, don’t really ask questions in class. Just do the work and study my butt off to make the grades.

Has anyone still not heard back?

@itsyishi here… It’s already MAY!!!

@seattle14 I know, this sucks

@seattle14 @itsyishi did you guys apply after the deadline?

Admissions Twitter says if you still haven’t heard you need to email them!! @seattle14

Still no decision… Sent them an email this morning, no response yet.

Hello guys,
I applied to CoE but got accepted into CALS instead. Do you know if it is possible to transfer to CoE later? Or do I have to go through the Competitive Application ?

@Natalie278 I applied in late January. I’m gonna give them a call tomorrow first thing

@fgishsh4444 well of course not they aren’t open today! Give them until Monday or Tuesday I sure they will get back to you:)

@MadwthanE they were tweeting today though so someone is working

Recalculated GPA this morning, its higher than I previously believed: a 2.67 cumulative with 97 credits attempted, 3.07 overall with 86 credits(excluding the initial grades I repeated) and that’s WITH the 3.92 this semester for the 21 credits. Looks like Madison’s never gonna happen for me. :confused: Anyone reading this who’s going to college for the first time this fall: don’t be like me and completely blow your first year >.< It’ll definitely make things impossible.

I just sent in my appeal and was wondering what you guys thought my chances were. My current cumulative gpa is 2.96 but this semester is looking to be around a 3.8 which should bump it up. My father passed away shortly before my first semester which made my whole first year gpa suck. Since then my gpa has been on an incline

@Tannahbanana how many credits have you completed?

@Natalie278 I’m really sorry to hear that :frowning: But don’t be sad, this is not the end. I know you will do a lot of amazing things in your life!!

@Natalie278 74 including this semester

@Natalie278 did you call them? If so what did they say?