UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@MadwthanE I didn’t ask the reason why. Just asked if it was advisable I appeal.

@Tannahbanana and Are you in your second year or third? How many credits are you taking currently?

@Natalie278 second year. Currently only taking 17 credits

Wow! So you’ve already taken 57 credits in a year and a half? Or is that including APs? @Tannahbanana I think you have shot, that is if you didn’t already explain what happened in your essay

@Natalie278 i mentioned it briefly, but not how it affected me, or when it happened. I didn’t want if to feel as though i was using that as an “excuse”

i got accepted at the last minute!!

Is there anyone who was succeeding in appealing the decision?

@loveeee I do not plan to appeal until I receive my final grades next Monday.

@Natalie278 did admissions say it was advisable for you to appeal?

@Natalie278 I am taking my final exam this week, and I am thinking about to write this week or next.


@MadwthanE somewhat. Was sorta vague, did you call and ask why you were denied?

@Natalie278 well I called but whoever answered the phone didn’t really know what they were doing so i emailed them to ask who I can talk to. I called the school of education but they didn’t know they just thought it was weird that I was admitted by them and not the university

@MadwthanE Just talked to a counselor and they stated I need more consistency in my grades. Even though I’ve gotten a 3.89 average in the past year and a half with 54 credits, they still want to see more semesters of good grades. Kind of at a loss, no idea what else I could do to prove myself. Makes me wonder how they select freshman after one semester of good grades.

@Natalie278 yeah that’s really weird for freshman applicants then! Maybe they use hs grades a lot for them? I’m sorry it seems like you’ve been really trying to improve your grades and have been doing a lot better!

@MadwthanE they seemed to also think I am an engineering major, and currently attending my previous CC, and thought I didn’t fulfill an ethnic studies requirement, though I mentioned I already had taken Anthropology. So idk if they really looked at my application that closely when they stated that.

@Natalie278 Who did you talk to on the phone that gave you more than the vague “we take a holistic approach…”? I called about my decision and they were not very helpful.

Whoever I was assigned by a representative, I’m not sure. @pct

I got the same response when I called! hahah they were almost no help!
But I also got a call from an academic advisor at the school of education and I guess a few students are like me, admitted into the elementary education major but not the university, and the school of education was not happy about it. They are strongly encouraging me to appeal because when the university reviewed my application they would not have known I was accepted to my major.

is anyone else thinking of appealing? I kinda want to but I also don’t know because the admittance rate is so low for appeals and I don’t want to get my hopes up again