UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

Is anyone concerned regarding the future and integrity of the university with such a large budget cut and essentially getting rid of tenure for faculty?

No the University of Wisconsin Madison is one of the best research universities in the nation if not the world, budget cuts come and go, but sometimes need to happen. Madison will persevere because it’s a great university and the people in charge of the budget are smart and are thinking of the University first, trust them it’s their job they will keep Madison great!

@badgers27 Not really, I’d say the only major setback for UW now is the price of OOS. There has been some reports of racial inequality lately(such as #TheRealUW), which I feel may be an important consideration for minorities hoping to attend. Clearly not as publicized as the University of Missouri(which has lost $20-25 million dollars in tuition due to lack of enrollment), but is definitely something to think about. Personally, if I am accepted I still plan to attend due to the fact that I’m currently attending a Wisconsin university, but it has somewhat affected my opinion of Madison. Hopefully these issues will be resolved in the near future.

It doesn’t sway my decision at all, I just find it worrying with faculty retention in the future without a path to tenure, and the trickle down that will eventually affect the student body.

@badgers27 https://chancellor.wisc.edu/blog/moving-forward/

Idk I go to the University of Minnesota and I prefer the TAs in my classes to some of the professors. The professors who want the big bucks are the ones who are way smarter than any of us will ever be/imagine to be. And they’re forced to teach classes and frankly do an awful job because they’re so smart and the way they think isn’t like normal people. But the Professors who aren’t paid ridiculously,I’m assuming, because they’re not anything special from my research on them do an outstanding job because they teach more like a high school teacher who cares about the next generation and not just their research. So honestly I doubt this has much affect on how well the student body will learn if anything the big thing will be research opportunities, but then again even the less well known professors are doing research. Idk just what I think, I love my TAs at Minnesota and my less prestigious professors they care and do a great job, just wish it was closer to home!

Guys, did anyone get an email about missing item? All my items are received like a month ago, but then they suddenly added 2 more items which is my winter grade (I’m in quarter system), and Course In Process (Spring)… But the problem is my winter quarter still hasn’t ended and they want it in 7 days… anyone experiencing the same? I’m freakin out lol

@sumner email them back explaining your situation? Offer a link to your schools academic calendar?

Just to clarify, no transfer applicants have recieved their decision tonight correct? Just postponed freshmen?

Not that I am aware no.

Yep still no decision this is going to be the most anxious month to date… So much more anxiety then finding out as a senior from high school, who would’ve thought?

I know right, I am so nervous too. I really thought/ hoped to have heard back by now. Plus it sucks not knowing because in a few weeks class registration opens for Fall 2016 at my current university, and I don’t want to register for classes but then withdraw because then I’d have to pay a fee for each class.

Yep same, but if I don’t get in probably taking a semester or year off and work the year at an endoscopy center and figure out a better idea of who I am and what I want going forward. Would just be really disappointing getting into Madison out of high school and not being able to transfer back in after such an awful year in Minnesota because of health and family issues making college take a backseat causing grades to be worse than they should’ve been…

Year: Sophomore

Major: Chemical Engineering

Current School: Out of State cc

GPA: 4.0 (unweighted)

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Worked on a ChemE related project in high school and presented in conference, Club Officer, Worked for 19 hours a week in total, PTK Society Member, a member of a leadership program for community service, Chairperson of the Student government in high school.

Applied: Cal, Stanford, Minnesota, Wisconsin, UT Austin, GeorgiaTech

Accepted: Minnesota

Pending: Cal, Stanford, Wisconsin, UT Austin, GeorgiaTech

Chance me? Waiting for admission decision is a torture!!!

just wanting to clarify that nobody on this page has heard back, right?

Nope. Seems they might be sticking to the late April date for decisions…

This has felt like the longest wait of my life…

UW-Waukesha student 3.199 cumulative GPA did honors work in Guaranteed Transfer Program and got involved in 3 organizations and I am president of one… Postponed.

I was admitted into Whitewater and Milwaukee. It is worth waiting for the final decision this Summer? Psychologically that is confusing. However, economically speaking, the opportunity cost of waiting is an inconvenient course schedule at my alternative university assuming that classes will fill, given that I am denied. That is a conditional probability I hypothesize would be worth knowing if I could collect accurate statistical data to approximate the probability of an inconvenient schedule at my alternative university given that I am denied admission to UW.

Simultaneously, I have applied to the Wisconsin School of Business’ BBA Program and that is a decision that cannot be made prior to the university’s decision.

In case anyone is curious I am an Accounting major aiming for a CPA license. I would like to be in the IMAcc program in Madison in the future.