UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

If they had rolling admissions some time of us would have found out by now I would have thought. Whatever yeah I’m just extremely anxious because I knew I should have went to Madison last year out of high school and would be devestated if I didn’t get in again this year.

This is another thing admissions sent to me in an email. I submitted my application December 4th and all of my materials were received in the first week in January. There’s probably people out there who submitted their things in even before I did, but I don’t know anybody who has heard back yet. :frowning:

“We operate on a rolling admissions process, meaning we release decisions as applications are processed and reviewed. Thus, there is a possibility that by submitting your application early, you would be able to hear back from us earlier as well.”

The earliest you could apply was like late December because you needed to wait for grades to be finalized for semester. That’s when I applied and I haven’t heard back yet so I doubt anyone has. Where friends who applied to like UW Lax and Milwaukee heard back within a week of applying. Whatever I guess we just have to be patient, but seriously they should let us know sooner especially if people don’t want to live in the dorms with a meal plan. This just seems like a ploy to get people to stay in university housing to spend more money☹️.

I am definitely In the same position of being in a rush to find roommates and a lease after an admissions decision.

exactly… maybe this Friday they’ll start with decisions (hopefully)

I do not understand the comment (post # 122) about housing and meal plans. UW dorms fill with a waiting list so they do not need students- most sophomores and beyond live off campus (many on the fringes of the campus) and there is one limited space transfers only house among the UW dorms. The housing lottery for new to Res Halls students choice rankings is early May and it does not matter when you were accepted for assignments. Also- the food plan commitment is zero- no need to sign on people for that. Res Halls is actually a budget friendly alternative to private dorms. Research the site and you will discover some very nice attributes. You may choose to eat at some Res Halls dining spots even if you do not live there while at UW. There will still be plenty of time to find off campus housing this spring.

Oh I had no idea, sorry for spreading misinformation, my bad. Thanks for clearing that up!

Pays to check the website for each school you are interested in. There are many ways of doing things. Sometimes the details can matter. Consider the academics- courses required/available for the major, gpa required and various other things you can’t take for granted based on your current experience.

Yeah I’ve researched quite a bit, but really don’t care about res hall living because if I’m accepted I won’t need to live on campus. But I don’t think res halls are exactly budget friendly and if you are in a res hall don’t you kind need a meal plan since dorms don’t have kitchen and such that are convenient. And the meal plan at UW according to my freshmen friends currently attending say it’s a real gouge. My original post was more or less just frustration for how late the decision is being late April and it seems no one has heard back yet. And that gives less than a month to find off campus housing like an apartment of house that is going to be much cheaper if you have a bunch of people living in those living arrangement also they’re much bigger than a 200 sq ft dorm room. Idk it just feels like transfers are forced to live in some sort of dorm arrangement, but if you say they don’t then I was wrong.

There is no required meal plan and there are kitchens.

Ok never mind I just saw you can “dorm” at like lucky or regent apartments. But I’m pretty sure there aren’t meal plans at UW Madison it’s built into res halls prices of roughly $8000 which gives you a 30% discount at the dining halls so technically everyone has a meal plan even though all food at the dining halls is ala carte, which is the gouge I was talking about. Also kitchens in dining halls I didn’t mean to say they didn’t exist I meant to say they aren’t convenient to make all your meals like it is if you have an apartment or house. So I guess it’s nice they offer private dorms for everyone that are just apartments, but the transfer notification date doesn’t give kids time to get on a lease for a house if they want, but whatever…

There are ways to find a lease, at least I am determined. Another year in dorms is not ideal.

Not ideal whatsoever dorms suck in every way except maybe making new friends. I wish you good luck friend if we are accepted in finding a lease it’s going to be a rush!


This link contains reports about transfer admissions, admission rates, and other stuff… Thought you guys might find it interesting.

Being an OOS, does that give you any advantage at all?

Why would that give any advantage? You don’t pay taxes to the state or anything beneficial for the state besides go to a state university.

I meant to say besides trying to go to their state university, other than that you’re really nothing beneficial for the state of Wisconsin.

Well out of state students are useful as “diversity” as well as the out of state costs that would benefit the university.

Well like my parents 18 years of paying taxes greatly out number the amount of money any out of state student paying tuition pays.

@badgers9000 to answer your question a bit more kindly: according to reports OOS applicants are more likely to be admitted this year due to budget cuts, but still less likely than Wisconsin residents.