***UW-Madison Fall 2018 Transfer Thread***

My transfer eval tab is gone after I reported my final grades, is that a good sign?

@gbpack4033 That was a common thing for people last year who were accepted as well as denied

@Badger2020_ is your eval tab gone mine just disappeared yesterday?

@badgers2325 I just submitted 3 minutes ago and my eval tab is gone. i’ll stay in touch.

Good Luck All.

My eval tab has been gone for a week or so and I haven’t even submitted grades yet… Still waiting for my final grades to be posted from my school smh

@GeddyLee21 were you an auto transfer?

@badgers2325 I was an auto transfer, one thing to look for regarding the eval is if you have one that is filled out. This would be a good sign because as I heard previously they wouln’t take the time to do one of those if you weren’t accepted. .

Mine was gone before I posted my grades on the 16th. Idk if I’m an auto transfer through, I assume I would know if I was.

I’m hopeful those who have submitted grades will get a decision tomorrow. Last year some got their decision the Friday before memorial day. The anticipation and stress of finding out is exhausting!

@badgers2325 Nope I am not an auto transfer, but I am not worried about it since i’ll have a 3.9 or so GPA. I am however transferring from the UW Online college which is also based in Madison.

Also to everyone else, grades are due on June 1st, so I don’t know if this information will provide an answer for the date of decisions or what, but yeah.

What was your final GPA for second semester?

What was your GPA for spring semester?

I am so concerned about my admission. I recieved a 3.68 for my spring semester and for fall I had a 4.0. Does this impact their decision? I submitted my grades around midnight last night but the Eval tab is still there. Both fall and spring I held a political internship and even started my own student org. I took more challenging courses this semester, so that’s why my GPA is lower than fall. In addition to submitting my final grades, I also submitted two more letters of recommendation and a continued letter of interest. Are they going to reject me because of my spring gpa? I’m so nervous I could cry!

@futurebadger18 your GPA is fine for their standards, they more just want to see that you can keep your grades up or an extended period of time. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Even a 3.3 or so is still okay. My GPA at this point is all over the place since I have been at three different schools over the year (2 of which at the same time), so I can’t really tell you that exactly lol. They also look at your course load compared to your GPA. Sure anyone taking easy simple classes can get good grades, so if you take harder classes and don’t do perfect, that’s expected and taken into consideration.

Have you recieved your acceptance letter? Also, when did you submit your grades? @GeddyLee21

Has anybody received anything???

@gbpack4033 not yet

@futurebadger18 I literally submitted my grades this morning, so I am not expecting to hear back until at least sometime late next week if not even the next week.

Hopefully we here something today, I can’t take it anymore!!!

On their website it says that we wont hear back until late June…