UW- Madison Pre-biz

I am a transfer applicant for spring 2013, and I have a couple of questions to ask.
First of all, I found the pre-biz classes on Curriculum</a> & Degree Requirements - but my concern is which courses I have to take for the fall semester. I have started to attend the university (out-of-state) from spring 2012, and I have taken 4 courses for spring and summer respectively. I have a total of 25 credits, which makes me eligible to apply for spring 2013. </p>

<p>However, since I am very worried about transferrable credits (whether courses at my university be transferable to UW), I fear which courses to take. I am completing most of the Gen Ed classes at my university, but I am worried if those courses could be transferable to UW. The overmentioned website only refers to 4 courses that I have to complete for pre-biz requirements, but nothing about Gen Ed courses. </p>

<p>Can someone please give me advice?</p>

<p>Check on the UW transfer admissions website for calculating transfer credits. You get admitted to the university as a whole, then must get admitted to the Business School- not a guarantee with your UW admission.</p>

I have already called several times to ask about transferable credits. They have told me that they would not know (transferable credits) until I get admission. However, as I have said, I don’t know which courses to take at my university . Should I just take pre-biz courses at my university without knowing how many courses would be transfered? I can’t risk that since I am an international student and it costs more money to register for classes.</p>

<p>Depending on the college you are attending you can look up how credits transfer, including some OOS (all UW system schools transfer credits are there).</p>

<p>If possible I would start taking business classes at your current school. I wouldn’t worry about transfer credits.</p>