UW-Madison Pre-Med

How many students from UW-Madison get into medical school? Do they accept many students into their own medical school?

Numbers do not matter. You should not be deciding your undergrad school based on that kind of statistic. I was a UW Honors chemistry major who chose medical school- went to another instate one along with many fellow UW grads. Yes, they do take students who go to the state flagship of course. I do not know if any stats are there for UW students who attend other medical schools. Nor of any for UW grads who applied to medical schools.

Remember, being premed is an intention, not a major. Choose your college based on the education to be received, not med school stats. Be prepared to love a major well enough to continue with it if you do not go to medical school. Eons ago, and likely still true, different undergrad schools got more weight than others. UW-Madison is still the best choice instate for the excellent academics in many fields. Do not try to game the system by choosing a lesser tier school because of the high percentage of students going there who get into a medical school- know a kid who tried that instead of UW. He did not get stellar grades (just because you are a top HS student does not mean you will study as you should regardless of how easy/hard your college is) and did not get in (later in at a DO school).