UW Madison Spring 2015 Transfer Thread

<p>@ucpeigong‌ I believe there’re many who’re frustrated like the two of us. It’s just that they probably don’t wanna voice out. UW Madison’s service is pretty bad. </p>

<p>Been waiting since august 1st… I’m also frustrated by the long wait time. I am just trying to focus my energy on my current classes at my current school. That is how I will get in next semester I apply ( I have already accepted the fact that I will most likely not be admitted this round ). </p>

<p>Congrats to all who are admitted! My daughter’s sub letter for Spring and Summer 2015 just fell through. She lives in a big bedroom with a private bath in Lucky, a luxury building with a fabulous location between campus and State Street. Best part (besides the private bath!) is that there’s indoor access to the supermarket, drug store, Student Activity Center, health center and other places. There’s also laundry and study rooms on her floor. This is huge during the coldest days of Madison winter. We pay $900/month but because this is last minute we are very willing to negotiate. Message me if you are interested. If this isn’t for you, message me and I can send you other resources for Madison housing. Congrats, again!</p>

<p>@ucpeigong @123tony Should we must pick a major for transfer instead of undecided? And by the way, what’s your majors? It seems that some good majors have limited seats for transfer student…</p>

<p>I applied mid-september and haven’t heard back. Definitely getting anxious/nervous. Hopefully I will hear back by this Friday. I know it has been previously discussed, but does anyone know if UW practices rolling admissions for the spring term? Also, if I haven’t heard back yet should I be discouraged about my chances of acceptance?</p>

<p>@transferuw12, I do not think that you should be discouraged. Last year for the fall transfers the majority of people found out a week before the deadline. I do not think it will happen like this for the spring semester… I hope not! To my understanding, I think UW does rolling admissions for the spring term. If it makes you feel any better, a person who applied in July just heard back last week… and he had close to a 4.0. They just are processsing a lot of applications right now, and on the bright side you havent been rejected! What are your stats? </p>

<p>@blessmeplz No, you may choose undecided for transfer. One of my friends just chose undecided, and he already got admitted last friday.</p>

<p>Applied to Minnesota 3 weeks ago, just found out I got in. Applied to UW almost 10 weeks ago, still nothing :confused: hopefully Friday is the day for us guys! But if I got into UMN should I get into Madison as an in-state minority student with above a 3.0?</p>

<p>@BraxtonJ, Congrats on your acceptance to Minnesota! It really depends for UW… A 3.0 for UW will not get you in unless you have like 60+ credits. You need closer to a 3.4 or 3.5 to be “seriously” considered. However, the stronger your gpa the better. What are your stats? </p>

<p>Anybody hear anything today?!?!</p>

<p>@Graftonsoca8‌ I haven’t heard anything yet </p>

<p>I think we won’t get any notification until the final moment. They only care about their own benefits.</p>

<p>I have to let UMN if I’m going by Friday (Dec. 5th), and still haven’t heard back from UW…</p>

<p>Dang BraxtonJ that sucks. Maybe just accept UMN, pay the deposit, and see what happens with UW? If UW accepts you, you have still the option of going. It just would cost you $150 or so extra dollars.</p>

<p>Now it is Dec… Will they be possible to send the decision in this week? </p>

<p>Hi @BraxtonJ, I accepted UMN and paid the deposit, but I still waiting for UWMadison.
I feel that probably they will answer during the 2 week of december. </p>

<p>Today, I recognized my material status was changed.
My official transcript submitted when I applied was changed to Official Transcript Spring.
And, new official transcript request is added today. I thought for applying Spring 2015 transfer, I only need to submit Official transcript till Summer 2014. And, after admitted, the student has to submit final transcript after last quarter.
Am I right? If so, can I consider the new status change as a positive sign?</p>

<p>I also got the same material status change.
I called the admission office about it and the person told me that it if you are accepted into UWM, you will need to send in the spring semester transcript. </p>

<p>I also got the same material status change.
I called the admission office about it and the person told me that it if you are accepted into UWM, you will need to send in the spring semester transcript. </p>

<p>@junoh991, do you have a credit evaluation done? I checked my student center and under my academics there was a credit evaluation that said “your admission may be cancelled if you do not keep your current grades and courses.” So I called UW and they said that wasn’t supposed to be showing up yet becuase my application is still under review. I was just wondering if anyone else is in this same boat? </p>