UW Madison Spring 2016 Transfer Thread

Congrats @jixxx195 ! So happy for you!!!

@jixxx195 Any new info?

my student center says the same thing

Awesome @z0zeng ! What did you say in your appeal?

And how many days did it take for them to read your email?

@Bucky23 I show them 3 reasons that make my application competitive. 1. keep making progress in my academic world and math tutor experience in college 2. high GPA 3. the courses I’m taking add my coursework breadth.

And I will send them my latest transcript after my final done

So @BraxtonJ before your friend appealed did he still have a pretty high Gpa? Cause i got straight As this semester and I’m going to appeal but even with these grades my Gpa would only be around a 3.2

For those who got accepted (or possibly will be :wink: ), do you have any advice for the statements? I’ve sent two apps already, hoping this Fall app to be the last, regardless if I get in or not. I’m kinda taking a new approach, the most personal and meaningful statement I’ll have sent, other ones have a formal tone to show writing capabilities. Got any advice on what to avoid/focus on? Any help is appreciated! And for those who are appealing: keep us updated!

NICE! Great job! Let us know if you make it! :slight_smile:

@Natalie278 For the “name something that goes unnoticed” prompt, there’s no real advice I can give. I wrote about the necessity of interdisciplinary teams, how they benefit us, and my first experience working on one. I got in. I know of a girl who wrote about how her mother goes unnoticed. She got in. Just make it something interesting, I guess.

As for the second prompt, I went into a lot of detail. I told them why I chose UW-Madison (top 5 in my program, research intensive, midwestern DIY attitude), and then I told them how I’d take advantage of/contribute to these features (work hard with my classmates, seek out undergrad research before the semester even started (I even spoke of two professors in particular that I really admired the research of (triple parenthesis omg sorry)), participate in specific intramurals). The purpose of that essay is to talk yourself into going to UW-Madison. Write a commercial with YOU as the target audience.

Good luck, y’all.

I know this this is a 2016 spring page but I was wondering if anybody could chance me?

I am a freshman, transferring for fall 2016 as a sophomore.
I am in the UW system already at UW Eau Claire.
My application was sent in EARLY, 2 weeks ago, with a deadline of February 1st… hoping that submitting early will benefit me.
I am currently enrolled in 15 credits, taking 16 second semester. All of the credits will transfer over. I have a wide range of courses enrolled in. Writing, math, geography, english, psychology, sociology, philosophy, art…

I meet all of the high school requirements as far as like foreign language, math, science, and so on…

I have 3 clubs that I am involved with currently on campus, and 1 club here that I am earning active serve hours with. In total, I had 15 actives included from high school and college combined. Also went on 3 mission trips over my summers of freshman, sophomore, and junior years of high school (I listed that as my most important activity). Club volleyball, jv volleyball, youth group, girl scouts (silver and gold award earned)…

6 previous places of employment. (2 of which I am currently still working at just on a leave of absence until I’m back home for holidays)

I got 3 letters of recommendation sent in. 1 from my current college professor, 1 from my boss from a job I’ve worked 3+ years, and the other one from my high school art teacher.

My intended major is communication arts and something with art (graphic design / web design) which I talked about in my second essay. Also included in my second essay that to grow in this communication arts field, I would like to be set in a big city like Madison and that the University of Eau Claire is too small of a town and limits my opportunities for growth.

(Something I could also email admissions about is Eau Claire getting rid of their advertising degree, which is about as close to a communication arts program they offer here).

My first essay I talked about how I balance stress in my life and how art is a big stress reliever for me throughout life’s obstacles.

High school cumulative GPA was low… 3.2 ACT low as well, 32 (not submitting)
And I am expecting anywhere from a 3.1-3.35 for my 1st semester GPA in college

I was also planning on updating admissions along second semester, expressing interest in the University, giving updated service hours, even send in good grades that I hope to be receiving.

What do you think my chances are???

@transfer2k16 What do they mean by grade in consistency, you had a bad semester before and Caught up later and UWM ain’t happy about this upright trend?

According to the admissions counselor, I was not getting good grades for a consistent period of time. My first year (Fall of 2013-Spring 2014) at CC was bad for me, not just a semester. Ever since Fall 2014 I have upwards trends. I guess they weren’t happy lol. I appealed so lets see what happens.

@anxiousUW you think a 32 ACT is low?

^Maybe he meant ACT 22, not 32.

btw- all who say they are accepted to thus and such program at UW- are you sure you were accepted into a specific major??? UW admits students to the university as a whole. This means you can change your major at any time before graduating without reapplying. For admission to any major you need to meet certain requirements as delineated in the UW site info. It is likely to have met the requirements for a college/school/program as well as getting admitted to UW. Some programs, such as education, business, nursing and engineering, require an additional application and can be competitive. Just because you put down something as your intended major does not mean you are accepted into that major with your UW acceptance.

my student center was updated! There is a grades report option on my students center!

@z0zeng do you mean transfer credit report? If so congratulations!

I just get the answer from Madison about my appeal.

I get a denial…

they give me why I get rejected, but it sounds really ridicules.

My overall gap is 3.8 and have 54 credits (which means that I have guaranteed transfer)

this answer is what I get from Madison today.


I’m writing to update you on the status of the transfer agreement with UW-Madison and to provide information about what you will need to do to be able to transfer to UW-Madison.

This is what we have learned in the process of advocating for your immediate admission. Due to budget cuts, UW-Madison has been forced to suspend the transfer program as it was previously administered. Budget cuts, combined with swelling enrollments, particularly in key areas such as engineering and business, have made it impossible for certain academic departments to accommodate transfer students under terms of the guaranteed transfer agreement.

UW-Madison is currently developing a new transfer agreement and hopes to have this in place within the next few months. The new minimum GPA is likely to be either 3.4 or 3.5 and contain additional conditions designed to assure students admitted to UW-Madison meet certain writing standards.
While the previous transfer agreement never guaranteed admission to the major of choice, in the past, transfer students who were unsuccessful in gaining admission business, engineering or other competitive degrees were offered enrollment as “undecided” in the College of Letters and Science and could then choose a major in this area. The College of Letters and Science is no longer capable of absorbing all of these transfer students, many of whom swell certain degree programs such as economics and chemistry. During this current interim period and later when the new transfer agreement is in place, prospective transfer students who unsuccessfully request admission to competitive degrees such as business or engineering, will likely not be admitted to UW-Madison. Those students will likely have to either transfer to another university or wait another semester and attempt to re-apply to UW-Madison by choosing another major. Choosing “undecided” for a major will likely no longer be a plausible transfer strategy. Admission to business and engineering degrees will remain highly competitive and it is likely that only the very top, high-achieving students will receive consideration. So prospective transfer students will have to weigh the relative risks of attempting to transfer in those degree areas.

Regarding your personal transfer situation, since the transfer agreement has been suspended, you were evaluated by UW-Madison based on the general merits of your application. In talking with UW-Madison about your situation, we have a suggestion for improving your prospects for admission in the fall. It is suggested that you demonstrate another successful semester taking courses in the humanities in order to better enhance your chances for acceptance in the fall.

I’m sorry that we do not have better news for you regarding your transfer to UW-Madison. We all feel extremely disappointed about what has happened. But this is just one of the many severe implications resulting from the budgets cuts that have been imposed in recent years on the University of Wisconsin System.

Please work with your campus international coordinator, Aaron, to plan your next steps. I also would be willing to set a time to talk with you via Skype or phone, if you would like.

While it unfortunately won’t help you this semester, please know that we are urgently pressing UW-Madison to put the new agreement in place immediately so that students like you will have a clear pathway for transfer by fall.
