UW Madison Spring 2016 Transfer Thread

Hi Everyone,
I thought I would would start this thread so that we can share our experiences as we wait for admissions decisions for the Spring 2016 semester.

Hope we can get accepted! Are u confident with ur application?

Any news on when notifications will start coming out? I called them the other day and they just gave me the “sometime before the end of December” answer. Yet last year decisions were already coming out around this time.

What are some of your stats?

I sent my app in early sept and have yet to hear back.

I sent mine out in early June. I have 30 sem hours toward electrical engineering with a 3.7 GPA, bad HS GPA and have never taken ACT or SAT but have 8 years of experience as a F-15 crew chief in the Air Force.

I called last week and they said that people will start hearing in waves around mid-October until the end of December. Does your student centers say they are reviewing your app now?

Yeah, mine has said being reviewed by an admission counselor since early September. I was hoping some people would start getting notifications today since it seemed like last year all notifications came out on Fridays.

I’ve been waiting since July 6th! Hopefully we’ll find out soon! @historygirl44 , Did they say that the ones that applied earlier will find out sooner (the mid Oct wave)?

are you guys confident with your apps?

Bucky, when I called she said it was rolling admissions and the sooner you apply the sooner you’ll find out. I asked for a ballpark and she said she couldn’t really give me one. I dug through the 2015 thread and noticed some people that applied in June and July found out in mid october and some didn’t find out until mid nov-dec. So i’m assuming if you have a strong application and they want you they’ll let you know in the first wave or 2. If not it seems like they toss it aside and make you wait. That’s just my guess though.

That makes sense @f15ECC. What majors are you all going for? I am going for a degree in History.


Anybody got in?

@historygirl44 I’m double majoring in engineering mechanics and physics if I go to UW. If for whatever reason I don’t get in I’ll probably just do a semester at UW Milwaukee for physics and try again in fall.

Has anybody heard anything yet? Sort of starting to get frustrated…

Haven’t heard back on my end. Let’s hope they start sending decisions this week.

Nothing yet!

I noticed this morning in my student center under the academics tab that UW evaluated my transcripts. Did anyone else see this on their account?

All I see under the Academics tab is, “You are not enrolled in classes.”

Could you post a screenshot of what you see?

Same here but I am not sure if that means anything.