UW-Madison- Women In Science & Engineering (WISE) Learning Community??

Hi everyone,
I really need your help. The women in science and engineering learning community is moving to Liz (Waters) residence hall next year and will have 60 residents.
Smith and Liz are my favorite 2 halls but I know my chances of getting to Smith are very low, considering Ogg is no longer available to freshmen and alot of people would rank Smith. So I thought about joining WISE in Liz because I don’t really like any of the other halls and it is possible that I won’t end up in my top 2 choices.
SO… what do you guys think about WISE?
My biggest concern is that this learning community, from what I’ve heard, tends to have non-freshmen who mostly major in engineering. I want to major in Genetics and I am interested in the medical field. Do you think there will be others who would have the same interest as me? I don’t want to be the only one left out. Do you think there will be freshmen in the learning community? The reason they moved it to Liz was to keep non-freshmen in it since Sellery is mostly full of freshmen…

thanks so much

Anyone?? :frowning:

Consider this- most freshmen engineering students will be taking L&S math and science courses. Therefore they will likely share courses with you.

Best bet is to call Res Halls during regular business hours and ask your questions.