UW places well in WSJ hiring survey

<h1>2 for accounting</h1>

<h1>5 for marketing</h1>

<h1>8 for finance</h1>

<h1>20 for engineering</h1>

<p>Top</a> 25 Colleges Ranked By Recruiters - WSJ.com</p>

<p>Good for U Dub – 6th in the Big Ten!</p>

<p>But still better than UVa.</p>

<p>Hmm. I don’t see U Dub on this WSJ list. I’d rather appear on both.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf[/url]”>http://www.wsjclassroomedition.com/pdfs/wsj_college_092503.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hmmmm. WSJ has many lists.</p>

<p>['Any</a> College Will Do’ - WSJ.com](<a href=“'Any College Will Do' - WSJ”>'Any College Will Do' - WSJ)</p>

<p>btw- “U Dub” is the U of Washington, not UW.</p>

<p>Wis75, I know plenty of folks who call UW U Dub. You are not in charge of all vernaculars.</p>

<p>As for barrons, the only lists that you think count are the ones where U Dub does well. We’ve been through his already.</p>

<p>I can’t recall ever hearing a Wisconsin resident refer to UW-Madison as ‘U Dub’.</p>

<p>Google brings up University of Washington in the search for ‘U Dub’, along with University of Washington’s wikipedia entry and its Urban Dictionary entry.</p>

<p>Yawn. (Ten characters.)</p>

<p>Very happy to see state schools getting the recognition they deserve! :)</p>