If you are a California resident, UCLA and UCSD are significantly less expensive than Washington, right?
$49,338 Washington (out-of-state)
$34,062 UCLA (in-state, dorm)
$31,365 UCSD (in-state, dorm)
$30,360 UCLA (in-state, off-campus)
$30,135 UCSD (in-state, off-campus)
$25,323 UCLA (in-state, with parents)
$25,200 UCSD (in-state, with parents)
You are also more likely to have gotten financial aid from in-state UCLA and UCSD than out-of-state Washington. If your actual situation is different, please state so.
Assuming direct admission to your desired CS/CSE major at all of the schools, it is hard to see the price premium of Washington being worth it over UCLA or UCSD, unless you parents have so much money that the difference is like pocket chance to them.
For graphics and animation, there are plenty of courses available:
UCSD: CSE 167, 168, 169, 272, 274. http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/CourseOfferings
UCLA: CS 174A, 174B, C174C/C274C, 275. http://catalog.registrar.ucla.edu/uclacatalog2015-16-189.htm
Washington: CSE 457, 458, 459, 460, 464, 557, 558. https://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses
However, you still want to get a solid base of courses like algorithms / complexity, operating systems, networks, databases, software engineering, and security / cryptography.