UW vs. Penn State vs. Maryland

<p>I got into all three, and I'm looking to go into business. Which one is better for both business, and just the overall experience. I am OOS Ny. Don't know which one to go to.</p>


<p>Your first major decision is location. Do you want to stay on the east coast or come to the midwest? I won’t comment on pros/cons of your eastern state choices. You need to decide if the extra distance is worth it to you. You will be among Midwesterners instead of more familiar students although there are enough New Yorkers at UW so that you won’t be a “lonely only”. Pick UW for the great campus and experience away from the NE.</p>

<p>For business- from comments and reviews it will be good. No guarantees of getting into the business school, however. Not a problem if you have confidence in your ability to be competitive.</p>

<p>I also got into all three and am want to major in business. In my opinion, UW is the best school but the business school is VERY selective. My brother is a senior at wisco and got denied from the business school with a 3.65 gpa after his 1st year there.</p>

<p>My son was also accepted to Penn State, UM, and UW. UM has high requirements for business, I think you need 60 credits to transfer into the school (if you weren’t accepted as a freshman). I am surprised that your brother didn’t get in with a 3.65 gpa. Did he have the course requirements?? I would advise my son to transfer out of UW if he didn’t get in his second year. Its probaby better not to have an undergraduate business degree. Today you will require an advanced degree. I feel that two business degrees are a waste (too much overlap, (MBA) ).</p>

<p>Don’t know about the business school at Penn Or Maryland but Penn State is higher ranked than Madison and my friend’s son loves loves it there. He plans to go to law school next year. A sleeper school with a highly ranked busines program is University of Indiana Bloomington. It is a gorgeous campus and kids love it there. It was recently written up in Wall Street Journal and ranked #10 in USNEWS I think? The article can be found on the IU site. Also UMN highly recommended and ranked for the Carlson School of Business. Best of luck.</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback. also, what about from a college atmosphere perspectve?</p>

<p>and how important is an undergraduate degree in business, just in case, let’s say i didn’t get into the wisconsin school of business after freshman year?</p>

<p>Madtownswag, All the colleges you are looking at have a great college atmosphere. I would suggest visiting them to really get a feel for what fits your personality. My son was waitlisted from Madison but really loves that campus and knows alot of people he was a counselor at camp with who go there. Depending on what you want to do with a business degree really depends on whether or not you need to have it as your major.</p>

<p>Business tends to have easier majors and most of the students have not taken business in high school. I would recommend a liberal arts major and then get a joint law and MBA. Most great MBA programs require work experience. Only one IVY league school has an undergraduate business school. I would major in something that you would enjoy then decide what to do later.</p>

<p>Unless you can go to an Ivy undergrad an undergrad business degree from UW or any of the others will help FAR more than an L&S degree in getting a nice well paid job out of undergrad. These days liberal arts majors cannot find many real jobs except the top ones from the Ivies. Even many ivy grads are hurting for work. You might need to bother with an MBA or can do it part-time paid by the company.</p>

<p>PS-Business at these schools is not easy. It is very competitive. Sociology and poli sci are easy. Many liberal arts majors are easier.</p>