Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I’m not aware of any laws restricting alcohol intake unless under 21 or operating a vehicle, piece of equipment, etc. Not up on my heroin laws - the drug obviously is illegal but don’t the feds usually bust the dealers and not the users? Perhaps you can educate here. Not sure one needs to argue about “absolutes” - we generally respect someone’s right to decline medical treatment in this country. On the other hand, the public good must be considered due to the highly infectious nature of the virus, and employers have generally been able to mandate the flu vax (I believe there must be accommodations for religious and medical but not aware of the details there).

I tend to agree with most of this, but when it comes to autonomy over what is put in one’s body, the country has become increasingly libertarian, don’t you think? The recent trend to decriminalize marijuana or legalizing assisted suicide would just the latest example. So yes, I believe that the populace is increasingly recognizing this autonomy as a “right.” Certainly the arguments “pro” would claim that.

On another (but related) thread, I estimated that when it came to vaccine hesitancy, the percentage of those who are white evangelicals is approximately equal to the number of POC’s.

Most likely both groups have distinct reasons for their hesitancy one from another, but perhaps some overlapping concerns. My guess is that, similar to 2020, vaccine hesitancy has more to do with distrust of the people in charge than anything else. Also, our vaccines usually go through several years (not several months) of real-time observation before reaching the scale of the Covid-vaccinated today. That does seem a bit “rushed” to some people I know, but it also underscores the overwhelming demand for the vaccine in the first place. We have to keep this in mind. Many here are frustrated with the minority of the country that doesn’t see things their way, instead of marveling at the number of US citizens vaccinated right now.

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