Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The medical folks are starting to look into it, as my earlier article shows. There’s no reason to attack someone’s experience. Anecdotes about long-Covid abound. Are they not legit because others never had that experience?

Let’s let the medical people sort out what might be happening with this issue, and let’s try to keep the forum civil.


There is very good reason to correct the record when posters indicate that it is a “common side effect” without any scientific basis for so doing. Likewise regarding claims that the two are in anyway connected. Anecdotes are not science.

They are not “legit” from a scientific or medical perspective until causation has been determined.

Great idea. A good start would be for posters to quit dwelling on anecdotes and speculation unless and until “the medical people” have established actual causation.


Whew - tough crowd! (As mentioned upthread).

Fortunately, the articles speak for themselves and anyone is free to peruse them for the most current discussion, and then make up their own minds as to what is needed for their health and well being.

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Seriously, most of us on here (all of us?) are educated people. Few want to sit on the sidelines and wait to be told results as if we were in grade school having to memorize 2+2. Speculation is part of life and observations lead to the science involved.

What bugs me on this thread are the way some posters don’t want any information posted about real life observations (anecdotes). The number one thing I hear from anti-vaxers I’m in contact with is dismay at how much information is being suppressed, yet here some are on a college educated forum wanting to suppress it. I guess it lets me see what they are talking about IRL. It’s sad.

Discussion and reason beat out suppression and “orders” to say nothing in the world I’m part of.


Here’s another, “If only” story that ended horribly for a 39 year old. I don’t know how many of these it takes to change someone’s mind, but even if there are many multiple mild breakthrough cases of Covid, those don’t compare to the bad cases that ruin people’s lives via after effects or death. It’s too late at some point for many.

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Unfortunately, speculation often becomes firmly held unchangeable opinions, often based on the worst case or best case out of a range of possibilities that would be consistent with the (at the time) known facts. Later facts that become known may not be able to change firmly held unchangeable opinions.


When it comes to Covid, the internet is full of irresponsible people who think they know better than the medical professionals, and they all consider themselves “educated.” But “speculating” about Covid based on false and/or anecdotal information is not only irresponsible, it is dangerous. You don’t know who reads this thread, or how they take what is written here.


and more…


Menstrual irregularity is a nothing thing though. Would someone not get vaxxed because they’d get an extra heavy or breakthrough period? I don’t see how talking about the prevalence of incidents is harmful or anti vaxx.


Although long COVID-19 seems to be a relatively neglected area of research (despite the high frequency of anecdotes that suggest it as a research topic), there has been some research on the matter.

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It’s not. Some of the responses here have been anathema to clinical medical practice. The beginning of any health study starts with a symptom. We don’t want to shut those out in the name of “vaccine promotion.” That would be falling prey to what one of the interviewees said: that she fears these issues just aren’t taken seriously. It appears she is right.


What does this have to do with the articles posted earlier? Are you questioning the source?

That is true. Now. Once upon a time, it started as a bunch of anecdotes and symptoms.


Glad for the research but unfortunately it cannot keep up with the anecdotes, speculation, and misinformation.

Again quoting Dr. Offit:, “While it is very easy to scare people, it is very hard to un-scare people.”

(An aside, we were discussing the impact of the vaccine, not the infection itself.)

Seriously? @taverngirl claimed that It was a “pretty widely accepted side effect” and posted an article that said the opposite.

By the time anything has reached a discussion board like this, the opinions are often already out there circulating. They likely started with one of the snake oil salesmen who earn money off of their followers or from some of the organizations that are purposely trying to disrupt things. Heck, some of them likely come from bored or drunk/high people wondering how far they can get a tale to go.

There will always be closed minds, but on a discussion board like this (vs bit comments like on FB) discussions can be had bringing in reason and links to various studies, etc. Close down the discussion and it only cements in the “suppression” mantra with real life examples of it happening.

Closing down the snake oil salesmen making up pure lies is totally different. Yes, put them out of business or expose them for who they are!


DD#2 has been very reluctant. I think she dug her heals in so far she couldn’t get them out of the quicksand. She doesn’t need $100 incentive, kept fighting with everyone about all the negatives (infertility, heart problems), said she was waiting for FDA approval, blah blah blah. Well, someone finally found her love language, and it is travel. She’s going to Hawaii and those who have proof of vaccination can skip the testing, go to some resorts and restaurants that the un-vax can’t. She and BF are getting theirs this week.

I don’t care why, just glad it’s happening.


New customers get the best deal. Boo.

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In the respect that we’re looking at what seems to be a short lived response, it doesn’t matter: tomorrows numbers will be worse than today’s, which is why I included the point about Los Angeles county trend.