Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Most likely. People should be careful when walking barefeet in highly vaccinated states.

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Returning to the topic: Here’s an interesting article on who is unvaccinated.

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Behind a paywall. Can you summarize?

40% cite “Waiting to see if safe”

FDA - Let’s dot those I’s and cross those t’s

How many more GS 13s do you need.

“Hannah Reid, 30. If the F.D.A. approves the vaccines, she said she and her husband will feel somewhat less apprehensive but will continue to do their own research and pray.”

Everybody is a researcher nowadays


Paywalls can often be circumvented by pushing the stop loading “thingy” before it finishes. I’d try that, because it’s a very worthy to read (and long) article with graphs for various demographics, etc,.

It breaks the unvaccinated up into groups of “definitely not” vs “wait and see” and they provide a lot of quotes (reasons) from actual members of both groups.


Let’s try this:

Who Are the Unvaccinated in America? There’s No One Answer.

If you don’t like a thread, don’t read it.


To be fair, some people like to watch trainwrecks. :rofl:

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My BIL finally got vaccinated recently, but only because his employer required it. His wife still refuses. They are both seniors, and she is diabetic. SMH

One thing from the article.

This thread made me less judgmental towards unvaccinated.


<<<In Arkansas, where the governor on Thursday reimposed a state of emergency and reported that all pediatric ICU beds were full, the number of vaccine doses being administered over the past month has gone from 27,000 a week on average, to 70,000 on average now.>>>


Ok, better late than never but sure would be lots better earlier.


While electrons might be free, it would easier to look for someone who isn’t to blame to the point they deserve special recognition

  • Anyone who voted for and continued supporting the governor of a state that didn’t shut their schools down
 I would have to look it up, but it’s going to be a pretty short list.

  • Small credit goes to those who argued, long ago, that Sweden was going to end up at a close enough place to everyone else that the US response was going to cause more harm than good.

As to who’s to blame? Almost everyone else, including myself. Living in Alabama, kids long out of the house, I went along with our governor closing. Didn’t disagree enough to be disagreeble enough to notice, until way too late.

Special recognition awards:

-The Imperial College epidemiology team that forecast an unbelievable Armageddon.

  • The IHME modeling group that has been so spectacularly wrong, so often, that only an idiot wouldn’t believe they’ve been lying. (freshly minted STEM graduates I’m sure, following the science of the ‘epidemiologists and virologists’ that I’ve been told more than once are the only ones qualified to speak on many of the covid issues)

  • Our media and politicians.

  • And any voter that is still going to let their school districts put masks on elementary age kids.

We’re telling vaccinated people to mask up, because of the fear of them infecting an unvaccinated person.

We’re not New Zealand, on that I think we can agree. Whether or not they’ve only delayed their appointment with covid, since the vaccines aren’t looking to be the bang-up deal they were hoping to bail them out
 we’ll eventually see.

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Oh good grief. Any vaccine that turns a potentially devastating illness into a mild cold IS a bang up deal.


Anyone who thinks Sweden “won” really should google to see how they compared with their neighbors Finland and Norway instead of comparing them to totally different countries with respect to borders, tourism, and weather.


Who said they “won”?

All things being equal, reporting and standards and such, we wouldn’t be looking at neighboring countries stats as the comparable. That said:

I suspect
 say, India’s final covid numbers might end up a little more flattering than, for instance, New York state’s. Can’t imagine why, other than the interplay of reimbursement vs prestige.

And I don’t know where Holman Jenkins of the WSJ got it from, likely official UK data gathering, since that was the focus of today’s piece, but he stated:

 reinfection rates are low, less than 1%, and cases are milder.” (From memory, not cut&paste.)

Everyone who wants it should get it and leave the rest to their fate.

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Why compare to New York state? Why not Alabama?


More downsides of getting COVID.