Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The CDC didn’t ‘lead you to believe’ anything about the impact of the vaccine on a variant that didn’t yet exist.


How could they say that? Do you think CDC has a time machine and can predict the future?


Delta is apparently significantly more dangerous to children.

and Long Covid:

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yes, Dr. Fauci is a world-renown expert, but that doesn’t mean he won’t spin a story. Heck, it all goes back to Mar-20, when Fauci said masks not needed in the US. He did that not bcos masks were not effective, but bcos he was afraid the masses would buy up all the mask stock and there would be no N95’s left for health care personnel.

The Noble Lie is not science.


At that time, the science was saying that airborne infection wasn’t the main vector for infection. Of course, scientist like you, with your own personal time machine, KNEW that that’s not the case, but the poor world-renown experts like Fauci had to go with what the scientists knew at the time.

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no time machine…but they are still mandating it now…in many cities and businesses. Knowing full well how ineffective they are.

and where is the discussion on natural immunity? why is that left out?

I see… Fauci lied then when he said that masks are ineffective. He lies now when he says that they are effective. No matter what he says, he lies, right? :slight_smile:


You are trying to “win” an argument rather then creating a dialogue and informing a constituency that is skeptical.

5 minutes of thought but something like this as a framework.

That message is for now.

  1. Science is evolving and so the virus
  2. “follow the science” means our views today are the most up to date we have but will likely change.
  3. The vax is safe but some adverse reactions occur (describe risk factors)
  4. The vax given so far was highly effective at preventing the illness and remains very effective at mitigating hospitalization and death.
  5. you will likely need a booster just like annual flu shots
  6. Delta variant unfortunately is NEW and regrettably the vax only prevents about 40% of illness but 90% plus of severe illness. Even worse this variant hurts kids.
  7. taking the vax and eventual boosters will be a huge step in getting this under control. Do it for your neighbors and country.
  8. we will not force you to do this because you are smart enough not to put yourself in danger and harm society.
  9. unfortunately this may all change by tomorrow but we will be honest and factual and avoid name calling because we are all in this together.

ineffective? natural immunity? Come on CC, quit giving this nonsense a platform.


The problem is that if you are caught in a lie (meaning a deliberate attempt to mislead) then you lose credibility. No one knows which story is the factual one and which is the lie.

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The problem is that you are imagining that Fauci was caught in a lie. He wasn’t.


Are you claiming that the official message should be a lie? Smart enough?

Move the conversation forward please. There are too few posters who are simply repeating the same points over and over again


For users who demand proof of statements made on an anonymous website, I am reminded of one of the classics of American cinema, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. “Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges.”


Four people at my workplace who said they would not get the vaccine even if we mandated it, have changed their minds now that we actually did mandate it and the company asked for the key card back and set a last date of employment.


Vaccination rates in New York from :

Race / ethnicity % with at least one dose
White 56.6%
African American 42.5%
Asian 91.7%
Other 29.9%
Hispanic or Latino 65.2%
Not Hispanic or Latino 59.2%

No group other than the very small “Other” is under 30%, and Asian and Hispanic or Latino people have higher vaccination rates than White people (although White, African American, Asian, and Other include both Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino people).

Various national surveys have found that Republicans are least likely to be unvaccinated, and most likely to be strongly opposed (as opposed to merely “wait and see”) to vaccination.


One of the biggest (likely the biggest) healthcare providers in my state has announced vaccine mandate and many of their employees in my town are saying they will resign. Since this hospital system and the other hospital in town (which will be mandating vaccination next week if leaks are accurate) employ most physicians & staff in our town, it’s going to be interesting to see if those employees relent and decide to choose vaccination. Not many jobs available locally for those nurses & other medical staff if they choose to value their right to remain unvaccinated over their paychecks.

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“Many”? Really? That seems doubtful.

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New York City data shows the city’s vaccine uptake is lowest among certain demographics, particularly Black residents that account for the lowest, with only 31% reported as fully vaccinated. Latinos fare a bit better at 42%, while White residents are 46% fully vaccinated. By comparison, more than 67%

of Native Americans and 71% of Asians or Pacific Islanders are fully vaccinated.

I live in NYC…it’s a known fact that POC are the least vaccinated group…has nothing to do with what “party” they are in