Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I hope he at least has a contract where he gets a decent payment if they end it early.

I also wonder if he could win a lawsuit since he was upholding the law and they want to defy it.


Surely thereā€™s a chance here for a lawsuit claiming wrongful termination? If so, I hope he takes them to the cleaners.


Iā€™ve been thinking about your post. An ICU nurse stated the following:

ā€œI find it odd that even the fringe doctors who push ivermectin do so based on the claim that it interferes with virus at the point when it is actually triggering the initial infection. This guy is 6 weeks out from his initial infection, and has now transitioned into ARDS and apparently an aspiration pneumonia. There is likely little if any Covid actually left in his system. Iā€™m curious how the Judge then determined ivermectin would be useful even if you didnā€™t question the unsubstantiated claims of itā€™s effectiveness against Covid.ā€

Do you agree with this assessment?


My friend has Covid long haul syndrome, and she is taking Ivermectin. It perplexed me to hear that, because she is absolutely not a person I would expect to do this. She swears there is evidence that it helps, which I honestly wonder about.

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The placebo effect might be helping, esp if her long haul symptoms are induced by her thinking she would have them. (Brains can do that.)


But did the judge say it could be useful? I donā€™t remember TBH. I recall reading that he felt the wife should have a chance to go with what the ivermectin prescribing doctor wanted to try.

I honestly donā€™t know the judgeā€™s rationale, other than saying that the family wanted to try Ivermectin and if a medical professional was willing to administer it then the treatment shouldnā€™t be denied. We all know the manufacturer, Merck, does not promote this medication as a treatment for sars-cov-2. The medication was initially an anti-parasitic but showed effectiveness in vitro against some viruses, including sars-cov-2, but no therapeutic effects. Some small poorly-done studies have shown some benefit but most studies do not. There was one study recently touted in the literature advocating for its use but it was found to have fraudulent data and the publisher retracted the study. But the most damning evidence is that this drug has been used in real-time and has shown no benefit. Additionally, most physicians have no experience dosing or watching for side effects. The dosage required to reach potential effectiveness had the risk of severe side effects. Once the data from the UK study becomes available, weā€™ll have more information but right now, thereā€™s no medical organization advocating for itā€™s use, other than what some people call ā€œfringeā€ doctors. In our hospital, if you put in orders for ivermectin, a pop-up comes up, asking why you are prescribing the drug. If you say itā€™s for COVID, it gets denied.


I would love to hear from the WHO what they are doing to distribute all the vaccines they have been given. I guess they expect the U.S. and other wealthy countries to do it all for them, to include transporting, storing, and distributing the vaccines (plus provide the personnel to inoculate) to the world. Have they ever come out and said this?

I am not an expert, but AFAIK most of those 500M+ doses are going to WHOā€™s COVAX arm (I think UNICEF is involved with COVAX too). I expect that the 500M doses will be shipped in waves, but who knows.

I donā€™t think it too much to ask that COVAX is transparent about where donated vaccines are going, regardless the country or manufacturer that is donating them. I also donā€™t know why the US chose to donate to COVAX, rather than any of the other ways they could do thatā€¦through GAVI, Doctors Without Borders, Gates Foundation etc.

Info a bit dated (doesnā€™t reflect some large donations), but overall critical of COVAX efforts as of June

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My mind has been musing this morning as I did pony chores. Imagine what the uproar would have been at the beginning if the officials from the ā€œwrongā€ side had told people to go out and get a livestock med to cure Covid?

It never fails to amaze me just how gullible people can be if itā€™s said by an influencer to them.


I was surprised to see that my dad updated his Facebook profile photo with the banner, ā€œLetā€™s get vaccinated, we can do this.ā€ I wonder what our anti-vax relatives in Austin will say, ha! I replied to the update, ā€œGo, Dad!ā€


As posted up above in #4318, per WHO: "There are enough doses of vaccines globally to drive down transmission and save many lives, if they go to the people who need them most around the world. Worldwide access to COVID-19 vaccines offers the best hope for slowing the coronavirus pandemic, saving lives, and securing a global economic recovery."

United Airlines is not fooling around with the hesitant / refusers. Strongest policy Iā€™ve seen from any employer:

ā€œFor customer-facing roles such as pilots, flight attendants and gate agents, employees granted a religious vaccine exemption will be placed on unpaid personal leave beginning Oct. 2, and would be able to return to work only after the pandemic ā€œmeaningfully recedes,ā€ the airline said.ā€


Iā€™d like to see some federal prosecutions with serious jail time to send a strong message on counterfeiting vaccine cards.


Serious jail times and mega fines.

Glad they resigned as a start.

A good friendā€™s brother just died of Covid. He was fully vaccinated (J&J, I think), and it was identified as Delta variant. So when you see Ohioā€™s latest numbers, one of those deaths is our friendā€™s brother. I have no tolerance for people who say that itā€™s their body/their choice, when this choice not to vaccinate is helping the virus thrive & invade the bodies of those around them. Some people canā€™t have the vaccine, but that is the case for other vaccines as well ā€¦ in those cases, though, the fact that everyone who ā€œcanā€ get it, does, has allowed our society to effectively wipe out diseases like mumps, measles, polio ā€¦ and we did such a good job with smallpox vaccinations that we donā€™t have to vaccinate for that anymore in our country.


Page describes the general anti-vaccine opinion trends over the years, and then the COVID-19-specific anti-vaccine opinion trends.

Regarding general anti-vaccine opinions before COVID-19, it says that " Democrats and Republicans are almost equally likely to hold anti-vaccine beliefs, but Republicans in particular also tend to be against vaccine mandates." It also says ā€œBut if vaccine hesitancy before the pandemic was relatively bipartisan, vaccine hesitancy around the COVID-19 vaccine has been anything but.ā€

Yup, ā€œfakingā€ a federal document like the vax card is punishable by prison time and up to $5000 fine, PER offense.


My reluctant (and thatā€™s putting it mildly) daughter and her BF got their second vaccines today! She called to tell me she has chills and aches and itā€™s all my fault.

Iā€™ll take the blame.