Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

If schools offer testing verification in lieu of vaccination, they should stick to their word and not pull tricks. More likely it was an administrative foul-up with the test - which, by the way, could have happened last year at any time, and could easily happen this year with someone’s vax record getting lost during upload and shutting them out of registration or housing. Perhaps a better lesson is that universities’ administrative services are not to be trusted for running particularly well.

Dealing with this right now with a family member. She and her husband have been quite anti-vax and both are currently positive and sick. She is not being public about having covid because she doesn’t want her vaccinated friends to give her a hard time. Not only has she been anti-vax but fairly anti-mask. But, today she posted a big rant on Facebook about ivermectin and how it’s ridiculous that this “proven” treatment is being kept away from people. I called her and asked why she is against a vaccine that has been studied but for a drug that has not. I didn’t get a good answer - she feels it has been studied and directed me to some articles that she posted. I asked why the company who produces ivermectin is saying not to take it - wouldn’t they be pushing it (you know, big pharma and all) if they thought they could make money off it. She said it’s inexpensive and they don’t make anything from it. We’ve sort of agreed to disagree these last 18 months.

It’s frustrating. But, it’s been an interesting small case study so far. She and her husband are feeling awful. They spend a lot of time with my parents who are 91 and 88 but are both vaccinated. My 91 year old dad tested positive a few days ago and my mom negative. Both have no symptoms so far.

From the video - and I was surprised by this - it appears that the assaulters are black and the victim is white. So it might be more than “simple assault.” The hostess was located outside the restaurant - this request for vax status was similar to requiring ID to enter a bar. It’s not like they were seated and then asked to leave and got agitated. Getting targeted by a group of perps can fall into the “hate crimes” category, although from the news reporting it doesn’t sound like that’s the focus of the investigation.


So you think the white hostess may have been a victim of a hate crime? Based solely on your observation that the other women may not have been white? Seriously?

That appears to be the assumption in all cross racial crimes these days.

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I have now watched the video several times. Prior to watching I had read (including this thread) or heard the incident described as:

Texans attacking New Yorkers
Patrons vs Hostess
Black people attack White people
Anti Vaxers attack vax mandate enforcer
Perp vs victim

All I saw was a group of people acting violently towards one another, a break down of mutual respect, and a lack of civility and human decency. Perhaps I am not as nuanced or evolved as the times require.


Whatever title anyone wants to give it, it’s sad and I hope those doing the attacking can be brought up on charges, civil included.


Time to hire bar bouncers for this purpose? (Some bars in San Francisco chose to require vaccination for entry, even without a local government requirement.)

Would agree that it’s more closely looked at these days - perhaps even assumed, as you say. Might not be appropriate here - we don’t have the details. However, not sure the borough president’s solution of “increasing the fines” is correct either. Assault is not the same thing as a parking violation.

The owner of Carmine’s (the restaurant where this occurred) is planning to hire security now.

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So 75% of Americans are vaccinated. Why isn’t that celebrated? When was 100% ever the goal (except last week)? It’s going to be a never ending cycle because booster uptake will be the next goalpost that requires 100% uptake.

Not that I’d advocate for this but I am wondering, if 100% vaccination is the goal, why immigration and government benefits aren’t being conditioned on vaccination status as well?


I saw several people step in and pull the perps away from the victim. So civility and human decency prevailed, even at the risk of personal injury.


According to the NYT tracker, only 54% of all Americans are vaccinated.

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64% of those eligible (12+) are fully vaccinated, 74% of 12+ have one shot.

54% of all ages are fully vaccinated

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This says 70% of the over 18 group have had at least one shot. That was over a month ago.

Nearly 75 percent of eligible Americans — those 12 and older — have gotten at least their first shot. And now over 177 million Americans are fully vaccinated — that’s up from just 2 million when the President took office.

And the pace of vaccinations has picked up: 14 million people rolled up their sleeves and got their first shot in August — 4 million more than in the month of July.

I think this is all good news. YMMV.

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FDA votes no for boosters in all patients 16+. Unclear if they will vote on a different age group, or any specific patient groups

ETA: Dr. Eric Topol says data supporting third shot in ages 60+ is ‘unequivocal’.

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Well evidently the FDA didn’t agree because they only approved for 65+. It is infuriating for those of us between 60-65 when all the data comes in decades but for some silly reason (Medicare?) in the US 65 is used as a cutoff.

Yes, seems arbitrary. Also note, the 65+ booster approval is only EUA, not formal approval.

Love it. So all those fetal cell objectors had better stop using all those meds.

I said this long ago up thread, but the fetal cell objection makes no sense. If the basis of it is religious, then aren’t all God’s creatures worthy? All those people had better stop using ANYTHING that’s been tested on animals. Or is only human life important?

Almost every drug we take has been tested on animals.

Prepare to completely change your lifestyle. Companies That Do Test on Animals | PETA

Btw, I wish we could live without any kind of animal testing. It’s possible with lifestyle choices, but with drugs, not so much.

People want reasons to justify their position. The bottom line is that barring medical issues, there isn’t a valid excuse. People just don’t want to do it.


I’ll be happy with the percentage of people vaccinated when there aren’t 1000+ people dying per day. Just saw that the 7 day average is 1,900.

I’ll be happy when our hospitals aren’t overrun. I’ll be happy when kids aren’t worried about wearing masks and getting sick.

I’ll be happy when I won’t have to think about what I do and who I interact with.

I’ll be happy when it’s a public health problem and not a political one.

I’ll be happy when we start to work together instead of all of this infighting and blaming game.