Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

“Celebrity” anti-mask and/or anti-vaxx dead from COVID:
Robert David Steele
Caleb Wallace
H Scott Apley
Marc Bernier
Dick Farrel
Phil Valentine
Pressly Stutts
Joe Manning
Bob Enyart
Gregg Prentice
Can anybody, anywhere, of any leanings, please name one person dead from the vaccine?


About 189,000,000 people have been vaccinated. If 1/500 people died from the vaccine, then that would mean about 378,000 people would have died. If that were the case, we certainly would have heard about it in the news. Just do the math!!!


Should Herman Cain be on there? (One time Presidential candidate)

I know a couple other politicians have died from it too, but don’t recall their names.


Agree, thank you! His death was way before I started compiling this list. Each death is sad, not celebrating, but used to show people who claim the vaccine kills more people than the virus. Will add.

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Someone shared this with me:
It’s not funny, but…


Like the person who confused daily death rates with annual rates and told all her friends, so they think it’s more common to die from poisoning than COVID. :roll_eyes:

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That’s a very sobering website. I’m glad to read it convinced a few to get out of the running for the award and get vaxxed. It’s amazing how many stories are out there. I wish they would still allow pics and names instead of having to cover that part up.

It also shows which group is dying or having massive issues from it. I know there are some from our former church I could add, but it’s not my style to do so (also don’t have a Reddit account if that’s needed).

From that page, most vaccinated and most reluctant:

Group Already received at least one dose ASAP Wait and see Only if required Definitely not
Democrats 90% 1% 2% 2% 4%
Age 65 and older 85% 2% 3% 1% 8%
College graduates 82% 0% 3% 2% 8%
Income $90k+ 79% 1% 3% 1% 12%
Total 72% 2% 7% 4% 12%
White Evangelical Christians 62% 1% 7% 3% 20%
Rural residents 62% 1% 9% 3% 20%
Republicans 58% 2% 8% 3% 23%
Uninsured under 65 54% 3% 10% 11% 18%

Also from that link:

“Similar shares of Hispanic (73%), Black (70%), and White (71%) adults now report having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, a change from earlier in the vaccination effort when Black and Hispanic adults were much less likely to report being vaccinated than White adults, and reflecting other data showing that people of color make up a disproportionate share of recent vaccinations.”


CARES money went to a lot more than medicare. It went to universities and states and day cares and unemployment.

How are the latter associated with Deaths/Covid though? I thought that’s what we were talking about?

So what? I was addressing as it related to Covid funding.


CARES money went to areas affected by covid deaths, not just through medicare. So if NYC had X% of covid deaths, more money went there. It wasn’t just for people on medicare (although early in the pandemic, a huge percentage of deaths were in people over 65). As Dr. Brix was quoted above, fed and state officials wanted all deaths with a positive covid test to be counted as a covid death. They didn’t want a doctor or coroner to make a judgement call - test positive for covid, it was a covid death.

Article today about one tests that Colorado has been using having more false positives than some other tests. These were designed to only be used for those with covid symptoms. Because there was a shortage of tests, they were sent to many nursing homes to be used for all residents, not just those with symptoms. Lots of false positives and if the patient died, they were counted as a covid death. These tests are still being used even though there are better tests now available.

Excess death numbers still show more undercounting than over - and as the article from Feb that I linked showed, not everyone who tests positive for Covid is counted as a Covid death today. It wasn’t even true in all states as with the teen car accident victim in my area.

I’m not quite sure why the previous administration wanted it that way, but whatever. It’s not that way now.


Fair enough, @Creekland. This thread is SO SO long, it’s hard to keep track of who said what!

I myself could not initially believe that COVID had killed 1 out of every 500 Americans until I did the math myself.

I’ve been thinking what’s going to happen to all the orphaned minor children left behind by their deceased anti-vax parents. Perhaps family will step in and raise them, that’s the best case scenario? But what about the ones with no nearby family? It’s a tragedy for the children. Even pre-pandemic I had heard the foster system was overwhelmed, I can’t fathom how this is going to be handled.

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It’s 1/523 for my county and 1/500.66 in the county right next to us where we do a bit of our shopping and take out.

I guess that goes along with our school districts being average?

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Just trying to understand your point . . . are you arguing that Covid-19 deaths are being over-counted?

Reliable data indicates the opposite.

I wonder if the kids will be like their parents or as pro-vax as humans can get.

Ditto with wondering if this will cause some to leave their faith if their parents trusted in it to keep them safe rather than faith that God provided vaxxes.


In my locality it’s more than 1 out of 250. The surrounding county is closer to 1 out of 500 though. We have the nursing homes I guess.