Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Actually, the best defense is not to have a gathering of this size unless it’s at an appropriate venue - which for many states still includes just the outdoors. We are still in a pandemic and the vaccine isn’t a magic wand. If the question of vaccination is causing acrimony among friends (presumably all adults) some may wish to examine closely what the actual problem is. But if not surmountable, then do the common sense thing and hold it in a place that works for everyone. That’s what it means to be a gracious host!


I think that in many parts of this country, there are those who refuse to be vaccinated or are ambivalent about the vaccine. We’ve tried to figure out what the actual problem is for 1000k+ posts here and still can’t.

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I think many reading these posts can figure out exactly what the problem is :laughing: Weaponizing the vaccine either way in order to shun or lecture others is probably not a good way to encourage social harmony. When there are challenges - including that devastating problem of others’ just not thinking the way we do - we can fortunately rely on our better angels to help us rise above and make it work. Humans are smarter than the virus. If you lose friendships over the question of vaccination, this virus wins. And then: just imagine what it’ll be like the next time!


I agree, but I cannot insist that the guests of someone’s bridal shower be vaccinated. It was great that someone else took it off my hands so it isnt an issue.

agree, either outdoors, of if must be inside, all windows open and furnace blower on Air (to circulate).

Has this one been answered yet, and I missed it? If I’m at a gathering (or store or event, etc.) where others have not been vaccinated, and are not wearing masks, how likely is it that they can transfer the virus to me, and in turn, I transfer it to someone else (such as a child at home, or a guest who cannot be vaccinated)?

My household has been fully vaccinated. Per the science, I’m not worried about anyone catching Covid in my household. But extended family households have unvaccinated children. I certainly don’t want to spread it to them.

This is where I have a problem for those who willingly will not be vaccinated or wear masks. If they were the only ones likely to be effected, so be it. But if their unwillingness causes me to transfer the virus to others who cannot yet be vaccinated, then it makes me angry. (Those who cannot be vaccinated or wear masks not included in this).


BIG difference between passing by someone in a store aisle and sitting next to someone at an event for a couple of hours. The risk of getting/transmitting covid in the store is minuscule, but being breathed on at an event table is much higher.

Don’t be ‘angry’, just do not to attend indoor events.


I was agreeing with you. That’s why it was great that someone took over that responsibility


Your being vaccinated makes it very unlikely you will transfer it. You need a certain amount of viral load to be able to do that, and that load is greatly reduced by your vaccination. Our state has dropped the mask mandate because it’s recognized that while people will still get Covid, they do so because they are not vaccinated and are “going back to normal” with other non-vaccinated individuals. They are not likely to be catching Covid from the vaccinated.

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Most have probably already seen this page, but here’s what it means to be fully vaccinated (ie two weeks past the last dose of your vax series):

DD teaches at a day school in Georgia. This week one of her seniors said she wasn’t going to get the vaccine because she was allergic to penicillin. As it happens, DD is allergic to penicillin too, so she told the student she’d had the vaccine with no problems. Another student piped in with the same story. Student took in the information and said she’d talk to her mother about it.

The school offered on-site vaccinations a few days after Georgia opened it to 16+, so students there have not had an access excuse. They are now doing 12-15 year olds too.

From what DD can tell about 85% of the seniors have been vaccinated. Not too bad, especially for Georgia.


I went to an outdoor event last night. One of the guests told me no one in their family would be getting this vaccine-ever. Reason cited was that “there is a lot of evidence that it could affect fertility” (she has 3 daughters) and that she and her spouse have “zero” risk of complications because they have no underlying conditions and eat very healthy and exercise daily.

This made me think of the Darwin Awards . . .


too bad so few of other georgians are vaccinated :frowning:

Wasn’t sure where best to put this.

I have a neighbor who was admitted to the hospital. She’s at the end stage of COPD, she’s been struggling for years and while she may not pass away right now, it’s going to be a process of hospitalizations.

Her husband is not vaccinated and apparently is not going to be vaccinated.

He can’t visit his wife of 50+ years because you can only visit if you are vaccinated.

I have a choice word for him and it’s not nice.


You have just described one of the situations I simply can’t fathom. I know more than one person married to a chemo patient and won’t get vaccinated. I have no idea where their head is at (I do but I’d get flagged).
And I just learned yesterday that I know someone (only acquaintance) who thinks a microchip is being implanted. I think I know where that myth originally came from but really people?! If you don’t want to be tracked throw away your phone and get the heck off face book!


In this case, it just seems so entirely selfish not to be able to see your spouse in their last moments.

Every one has their choice in this, but my choice would be to do what is possible for my loved one.


Anti-mask friends refuse to get vaccine. She and her 82 year old mother both got COVID (probably from her). It was very touch and go but somehow mother survived and just got out of hospital and into rehab. She may have end up living with our friend/her daughter. Friend, of course, could not see mother in the hospital and they thought she was going to die.

Now elderly MIL (with leukemia) has it. About to go on a ventilator.


A comedian was joking about the microchip thing saying how yes, Bill Gates is super interested to know that somebody in Idaho went to Walmart and the gas station today.

Apparently there’s also some videos of people holding magnets on their arms claiming the vaccine spot is now magnetic from the microchip.

I’m thinking, “first of all if they could make a tracking chip that literally fits through the eye of a needle then why the hell are actual trackers like Tile so huge? And also I want whatever battery is providing infinite power for those chips in my phone!”


Amen—as someone said, there is no need to implant us with tracking chips, we carry them around voluntarily!!!