Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

What I want to know is how Bill Gates is possibly tracking millions of people at the same time?

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I thought this was an interesting article How Do We Know the COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Have Long-Term Side Effects?


From the article linked above:


Do they usually carry out long term studies on side effects? Or do studies stop often after a year or two? I read an article once how a kidney donor is having side effects 10 years later.

I don’t know there is much one can do if someone is skeptical of the vaccine. They are not any more unreasonable than the vaccinated worrying about getting the virus and or passing it onto others.

the source that the Missouri article references. Not sure I’d be sold (about lack of long-term effects) if I was still the parent of a teen, particularly under the EUA. (Fortunately, I no longer have to make that decision.)

I totally understand that some folks aren’t comfortable with the vaccine right now and their feelings are valid, I just have to say that getting a vaccine is nothing like having an invasive surgery that removes part of a vital organ – that’s like comparing antibiotics to chemotherapy!

I did a quick search and couldn’t find any articles about any adverse effects of any vaccine being discovered years later – the CDC page is pretty easy to click through: Possible Side effects from Vaccines | CDC
I’m a researcher, not a doctor, so would be happy for a medical professional to jump in here

It seems there was some investigation into a possible link between whole-cell pertussis vaccines (DTwP) and later epilepsy, but recent studies show the vaccines likely didn’t cause it but instead prompted earlier discovery of severe epileptic encephalopathy in very young kids who had been born with it due to genetic mutations in their sodium channel gene:
Anyway, that vaccine was replaced by acellular pertussis vaccines (DTaP) years ago, and again they’re administered to infants and very young children (who may not have had any genetic disorders diagnosed yet) – rather than older, more developed school-age kids or teens, like with the covid vaccine.


Oops, already posted

“I have an immune system.”

33 year old Deputy Sheriff dies of Covid after publicly rejecting vaccine.

I hope his wife will consider getting vaccinated if she hasn’t already. Those young children need their parent.

Just to break the tide. According to studies, most unvaccinated are not antivaxxers. Some are waiting for the full authorization. To others, it is not their top priority and they didn’t get around to it. No need to demonize them, just a little coaxing and education will go a long way.


I have not read the entire thread.

First shot = no adverse reaction whatsoever.

Second shot = I think they gave me a shot of vitamin B-12 by mistake as I feel great.


This indicates at least some people were likely putting off the vaccine out of run of the mill procrastination or other mundane reasons. Hopefully the increase in vaccine searches led to actual shots.

I’m sure plenty of anti-mask and anti-vax people are going to continue on their way. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a solid 30% of the adult population. But I do think many of our fellow citizens are perfectly normal, honest, rule-followers (within reason) who’ve just been too busy with life stuff to get around to the vaccine. And I think that group is probably a big amorphous grey block between the vaccine-eager and vaccine-never populations.

True, but the article above represents an actual covid anti-vaxxer.

" “I’ll get it later after you start growing appendages on your forehead,”

Very sad.

Most people I know who have not gotten it yet have stated reasons for it, not just that they haven’t gotten around to it. Most stated reasons were fear of taking a “rushed” vaccine.

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My life long best friend does not plan to get this vaccine. She just doesn’t feel it’s necessary, and has stated so to me and others who know her. She is not an antivaxer. She is simply anti Covid vaccine. I uttered one sentence about this to her and then had to decide whether risking losing my best and lifelong friend over this was a Hill I wanted to die on. It isn’t.

I do hope she changes her mind. She has already been told by a mutual medically vulnerable relative that she can’t visit in person until vaccinated. This other relative just can’t take the very very small risk that she could transmit the illness to him.


I doubt it is as much as 30%. If it is that big and they forgo most of other vaccines, we would be in a big trouble. There will be measles all over the place not just intermittent outbreaks here and there. Measles are about twice as contagious as the COVID. I know there are more anti COVIDs than general antivaxxers. Still not as high as 30%, not counting the hesitant. They are not anti, just yet to decide. They are not likely to take mask off IMO. Just noting the hysteria how all the unvaccinated will lie and take offf the mask. I think most unvaccinated are honest people.

I already had Covid and I was tested 7 months later and still had a high level of antibodies. I have no plan to get the vaccine. If i had the flu , I would, t get the vaccine so I ave natural immunity. Plus I don’t want to feel sick again after the second shot.


Reactions vary from person to person. I had no reaction whatsoever to the second shot that I received while spouse had fever & chills & headache.

However, I do understand those who are reluctant to get any Covid vaccine since the vaccines were rushed to market & the possible long-term adverse effects are unknown. And it is easy to understand why one in your situation–already had Covid as shown by existing antibodies–might not rush to take the vaccine.

It’s more like ~10% are anti-vax (based on those that refuse childhood vaccines); ~10% are immuno-comprised and (rightfully) extremely concerned and reluctant, even tho CDC says that they can get the vaccine (absent tests/data); and ~10% are still in the (show-me) reluctant camp. The latter is what PH needs to focus on. (numbers are guesses)

(The anti-mask crowd is not that relevant, as some/many of those could also be vaccinated. Both of my nephews, strapping 30-somethings who are still at their college playing weight, are both strongly anti-mask but did obtain the vax.)

I was speaking specifically to the covid vaccine which has become highly politicized, not vaccines in general. 30% was my own rough ballpark. Looks like current polling is between 18-25%.

I wish I could screen shot and post comments from my FB feed of my friends/acquaintances and family in the midwest. They are anti vaxxers and they have either stopped wearing their masks, or never wore them. I have seen several openly bragging about the fact they can now go anywhere without a mask because no one knows whether they are vaxxed or not.

My BIL is in remission from cancer and is adamant he is not getting vaxxed for two reasons 1) it’s all an anti Trump hoax and 2) he doesn’t want to be “sick” after the 2nd shot. He is not wearing a mask.

My 80 year old aunt and 7 of my 8 cousins, all of whom are morbidly obese, are anti vaxxers since, you know, they killed babies to make the vaccine and since all you need to survive Covid is a healthy immune system and plenty of vitamin C. The one who did get vaxxed is a surgical tech at a hospital and they made her get vaxxed. She is frustrated that she works with a bunch of “Karens”. None of them are wearing masks, two of them have openly said they are afraid of being identified as a liberal if they don a mask.

I know these are anecdotes, but I only have 120 FB friends. I could give you more examples. At least in my circle, there is a very strong correlation between anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.

I am making my first trip to my hometown in over a year. Just under 50% of adults in that county have been vaxxed. It will be interesting to see whether half of people are wearing masks or not.

that 24% number was from a poll in Feb so attitudes may have changed as friends and neighbors get the jab with no ill effects. I bet that the 18% will also decline over the summer.