Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

getting mosaic means you were one of the top applicants, I’m betting the package will include confirmation of your decision but not going shouldn’t impact your decision at all!

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Did everyone that’s getting MOSAIC packages also apply for the merit scholarships?

Congratulations @cateater101 , we are also in RVA. My daughter is a finalist for USC merit, she had her interview yesterday…good luck!


Did you guys get this package from UPS or USPS. I have seen both referenced?

mine is from UPS

Okay, thank you!
I guess I didn’t get it.

Does UPS links by address or specific addressee (name)?

Just got it in the mail, D had no clue. Just wondering if that means possible merit aid - only applied to CV one, and how many of those are given - like 10? Anyway, this is sweet, mask and hat and socks :slight_smile:


In the mail, like USPS? Which state? TY IA

Does one apply separately for MOSAIC?

No, i didn’t apply for MOSAIC and i got the package anyways.


if we get the mosaic invitation, is there an increased chance of receiving the CV scholarship?

Check the mail!


did the chancellors come in an email or the UPS package. I was told merit decisions would not be out until mid-march???


Yeah I was thinking that too.

you don’t apply for MOSAIC. It is selected to attend event and given to students that usually have ethnic ties or active in the multicultural community.

no see comment below

no full rides. It is full tuition.

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wait i didnt think merit came out yet?