Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

We are in Illinois

What were your stats please

UPS and Ohio

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does the letter say that there is an online or virtual event that you need to sign up for? I think in the past they only allowed a certain number to attend so you had to sign up, but I wonder how they are doing it this year? Anyone from the state of Washington receive UPS today?

Is it possible to still get the Chancellors Scholarship if you were not invited to Mosaic? I applied for that and CV and didn’t get Mosaic (was not expecting to, do not fit the description) but am wondering if I could still find out about Chancellors in March.

Editing my prior response.
I thought that was the case but my friend, who is an alum, just said Chancellors are notified at the same time as Mosaic. Her D applied for Chancellors and did not get it. CV comes out mid-March.

Congrats to all the Mosaic and Chancellors recipients! That is an amazing opportunity!

Hi what are my chances for Vandy?

From Boston,
GPA unweighted: 3.97 of 4.3
ACT: 33
Class rank: n/a
School/major: Neuroscience
APs: AP Physics, AP Calc BC, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP CompSci, & AP US History
ECs: violin, ice hockey, club head, several volunteer hours, and work experience.
*Also I received a 4 year Army ROTC scholarship, not to Vandy but planning on transferring it there

Does anyone know if Ingram notifications came out already bc I don’t want to just be waiting for something that won’t be coming.

Anyone from Texas get anything?

I got it here near Houston, TX

anyone from the Northwest?

Anyone receiving “details not yet available” about the package from Parris Printing? I’m tracking the package via UPS (I live in Colorado) and I think there might be a logistical issue with my MOSAIC package.

Opened the package late last night: two different letters one for Mosaic and one Chancellor’s scholarship- very exciting.


interesting. Does anyone know specifically if the packages were sent 2 day UPS? Meaning that everyone was supposed to get on Friday?

congrats. do you know if it was sent UPS 2 day? I haven’t heard of many receiving that live far from TN.

Did everyone receive an email along with the package? Packages do get lost from time to time.

Just looked
The label says “ UPS 2nd Day Air “

She did not get an email
Only the package

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i called admissions and they said they will email next week

If not get UPS this week, means no hope for scholarship, right?

UPS was only for MOSAIC invitees and then some of those that received the MOSAIC also received the Chancellors. The CV and Ingrams will be announced by mid-March.