Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@Badger7272 Wash U! (And I am a Badger). My niece went to Wash U. Wonderful experience, great advisory, they really want to see their students succeed…if financials are realistic and don’t cause you too much stress


DS waitlisted, but he’s more excited about ND! Accepted at ND, Michigan, and UVA, plus some safeties. ND in the lead unless he receives another acceptance next week.


Congratulations on your son’s acceptances!

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TimSmith76 did you get in Vandy?

Same thought

Us too- denied here but accepted ND, UVA and BC- not sure what to choose!

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Does anyone have a picture (screenshot) of the Waitlist Decision Letter? My daughter got waitlisted but clicked accept offer before I saw/read the letter info.

Login, then on the right side you’ll see Status: Waitlisted. Next to that you see a PDF icon. Click on it.


Yes, the school/colleges have different admit rates. I found this gem while i was writing the supplementals:

Click on the “next” button to look at stratified admission rates for each school.


Oh funny, my DS also accepted at BC! Similar lists! I think my son might get Cornell and then it would be Cornell vs ND… unless we get a surprise. I went to Cornell and think he should choose ND, checks all of his boxes!


Where is she headed?

Thank you!!!

AHH ACCEPTED!!! i have no idea how this happened LOL vandy was a huge reach for me. i’m so thankful :))


I would agree with that.
It also makes me wonder if they can tell by state who is taking advantage of the TO to hide bad scores.
For example, in my state there were no cancellations at all and most schools were at least partially in person. Also, it is a requirement by the state that all juniors take the ACT. They did bump it from fall to spring for ‘22, but everyone from my state will have at least that score. ‘21 would have taken their State required ACT as a junior in fall of ‘19 - pre-Covid. Anyone from here or a state like this who goes TO is clearly hiding something because they do have a score and have had ample opportunity to take ACT or SAT.

On the other hand, I have a friend in a different state who had nothing but cancellations and couldn’t test. Students going TO here is understandable.
There is the exception of someone choosing not to test to protect and at risk person in their household, but I think this was not common. It seems like it happened more for lack of availability to test.
The question is if they are factoring in test availability in an area or it is all one playing field.


congrats on those!

My son did the same and I had to go hunting.

That’s a great point, hadn’t thought of that. We did have a lot of cancellations here but everyone who wanted to take the test could make it happen. I’m sure they don’t want to discriminate against people who don’t have easy access to transportation to get to a different testing center, but we’re in the suburbs where everyone has a car. We took a ferry and car to another state to get my son to his center pre-covid(he took it summer before junior year and we couldn’t get a spot locally).

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Waitlisted :frowning_face:

I think TO means TO regardless of state. My daughter applied TO. She took the test once and scored well but not excellent so it would have been a weak part of her application. She was admitted with full scholarship.