Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Congratulations! I just read a chance me thread you did, though, and your stats are super high and ECs are impressive so I’m not sure you should be surprised. Vandy likes a 1570!

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Congrats! What was your profile? Just trying to understand what they’re looking for

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Wow aim so surprised. Your stats were so good

thank you so much!! haha I’m sure it wasn’t just a test score that got me in but to be honest I was convinced that I wasn’t a strong enough applicant for the likes of Vanderbilt after I got rejected from JHU and UChicago. Such a nice surprise to get in and Vandy is currently my top choice :slight_smile:


here’s a link to a chanceme I did a few months ago: Chanceme for rice, pomona, uc berkeley
I submitted an update later on: that research poster became a published research paper in a gerontology journal
(i had other updates but i forgot to email vanderbilt? it turned out fine tho?)

My D rejected from JHU and UChicago too, and waitlisted at Vandy. Which was a nice surprise after the rejections. Congrats on your acceptance!!!

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thank you and I hope everything goes well for your daughter!

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is anyone able to register for admitted student events? mine is still blocked.

I am trying to contact financial aid and admissions regarding an error in my FAFSA/CSS and some overall confusion. It seems that they are not taking calls today

Try email.

I got waitlisted at vandy but I got in to emory

rejected :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I can’t figure admits and waitlists as my daughter admitted to MIT and Johns Hopkins but waitlisted at Vandy! In the end, everyone will receive an acceptance at a great place!


TBH, I, too, am a little surprised, but given the number of variables this year, not going to rationalize and rather focus on what we have versus the other way around in what’s been a very tough year for most.

Needless to say, the admission process is humbling at many levels - you simply need to have a positive mindset and know that if you have worked hard and diligently, you will get into a college you’re destined to go to. While there will always be bragging rights, yes, but colleges don’t define people - you do! … with what you bring to the equation, how you think about your role in the society, how you contribute to the overall wellness of those around you and do you do it with an ethical mindset.

All the best to you - is Vanderbilt a possible destination for you?


since peabody has a higher yield of admitted students does that mean that they take fewer people off the waitlist? i was waitlisted to peabody yesterday and i am really hoping a miracle comes through!!!

Thanks, it’s a super tough year for everybody. Vandy is a top choice if there is one.

My son was waitlisted, Vandy and ND both number 1 pick and sadly waitlisted there too. Does anyone know if the campus is open to waitlisted? Thinking about taking the 11 hour drive over spring break.

I find this theory quite interesting as well and hadn’t really considered it. AOs are quite smart at deciphering stats. It’s hard to un-see or un-know that students in particular schools or regions had or didn’t have access to testing. Maybe that did play a role.

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does anyone know what acceptance rate was this year? and how many people applied?

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