Vanderbilt Fall 2023 Transfers

Hey yall! I figured with Vanderbilt Transfer apps coming to a close I’ll create this year’s thread here on College Confidential. Applying from a T50 Private with a 4.0 College GPA, 3.95 UW & 4.5 W HS GPA, 1500 SAT, and Good ECs

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is there a discord server

Hi! I applied as a transfer too for political science! Also have a 4.0, have a lot of involvement at current university, and two internships. Hoping for some good news! What major are you looking to go into?

Def trying to get into Medicine Health and Society haha

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Yes! Here it is: Vanderbilt Fall 2023 Transfers

Did you apply to Vanderbilt last year? I was stalking some old threads and thought your name popped up.


Hi everyone! I am applying with a 3.55 from wake forest for the first semester and (most likely) a 4.0 for the second semester of freshman year. My HS gpa was 4.4, with many extracurriculars and leadership roles, a full-time job, and volunteer work. In college, I have been involved in activities and have two jobs. i am applying as a law, history, and society major with a pre-law emphasis. good luck to everyone!

do we know when decisions are typically released ?

I have a family member who applied to transfer to Vandy. Waitlisted when originally applied. Current Sophomore in Engineering at top 40 public flagship with a 3.96. Campus research project for over a year, impressive internship this coming summer, really unique ECs for an Engineering major.

I heard decisions come out in April but I don’t know if that is accurate or when in April they typically come out as they are rolling admissions.

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IIRC decisions start to release in waves during the last two weeks of April and continue on through May to June(?)

Curious why you are looking to transfer from Wake? It is a school I am considering, so would appreciate your insight. Thanks!

Hey! I think Wake is a great school, it just was not for me. I met some great people there, but the location around the campus was not very nice, the campus lacked diversity, and there was not much to do outside of Greek life. I am not opposed to joining it, but I do not want to feel forced into joining simply because there is nothing else to do. Also, I want to be somewhere near a city with opportunities like Nashville, Philly, NYC, LA, DC, or Boston rather than a town quieter than my original hometown. Although wake forest gave me amazing financial aid, there was a huge economic disparity between students. It felt like I was surrounded by wealthy people at all times, making me feel extra poor, if that makes sense. I did get involved in things like student government, pre-law frat, and political organizations and was a student work which was a great experience. Visit and look at the surrounding area before you make a decision

I appreciate your response and advice. Thank you! Good luck on your acceptances and future!

That’s a fairly accurate description of Wake Forest. Even though the school has been in Winston Salem since 1956, the immediate area surrounding the campus is devoid of any traditional college town atmosphere.

It’s not a bad area of Winston-Salem, it’s just mostly residential suburbia. Wake Forest seems isolated from the rest of Winston-Salem. In short, there is not much to do within walking distance of the Wake campus.

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Any idea when the first wave of decisions will be posted? End of April?

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Probably next Thursday

Vanderbilt is my son’s first choice as transfer student. Anyone tried to contact them and find out when will be 1st wave sent out?

The first wave is most likely coming out this Thursday (From past trends and whatnot) and will be rolling out on a weekly basis throughout the month of May and early June

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They won’t say when they are coming out. I am not sure why but they just say it is a rolling basis. I understand that they can’t tell you when you will hear but not sure why they don’t say when they start sending them out. I am also an anxious mom waiting to hear.

I understand that decisions will be sent out in waves?!, not all at the same time. Please post if decision is received, at least we will know that Vandy started send out results.
Good luck to all students and moms as well.